Purell...it's not just for staph and stuff anymore

So this one is courtesy of my mom so technically it WFH (works for her)but I trust her implicitly in matters of stains. Yes! Apparently, Purell is an absolutely magical stain remover. It removes the stain (even lipstick, she claims) and does not leave a water-mark on the fabric. I do highly recommend that you test on an inconspicuous area first though.

Since most of us don't always carry some sort of stain remover but there is pretty much always some germaphobe toting a bottle or two of Purell in the vacinity, this is one that is useful to know I think. Thanks ma!

A quick google search revealed another fabulous use for Purell (or the cheap generic substitute we all use). Hair dye stain removal. From your face that is,'cos I know I am not the only one who ends up with those fun little hair dye splashes here there and everywhere. I have not tried this myself but it stands to reason and no harm done if it doesn't work. Just go back to scrubbing ferociously with Cetaphil and staying home for a day or two post dye-job. (Having it done at the salon is so much more pleasant, er expensive er fabulously worth it er prohibitively overpriced isn't it?)

And super important yet quick reminder about the Fabulous February 6th Change the World Sweepstakes. Only 2 more days to declare your intentions! Because trust me, the personalized prize is going to be worth it. That and the whole making the world a better place thing...

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Janet said...

Who knew? I will keep that in mind. I always keep some in my purse because public restrooms aren't always so clean and well stocked with soap and paper towel.

Bubbleyumgirl said...

Amazing! And I've always wondered just HOW do people "discover" these alternative uses for products? :)

Lomagirl said...

Am now too frightened to use Purrell for anything- what's IN that bottle?

jennwa said...

That is good to know. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to try it. I am always willing to try a new stain remover. I've never been good at getting them out.

Jerralea said...

Awesome idea, although I am curious on how your mother found this out!

Unknown said...

Great to know this, I carry a small purell everywhere I go. thanks

BlueCastle said...

This is great! Have to give it a try. :)

BlueCastle said...

I have to try this! I bought some "stain remover" for my purse, and it doesn't work a lick.