We've had our fun, now nighty-night...

The above title is a inside family joke, which I will now share with you, and it, out of context, will not make you laugh nearly as hilariously as it will my family. When I was little, my brother and I had these random duvet covers with sketches of woodland creatures and the legend inscribed across the bottom, "We've had our fun, now nighty-night". One night many, many years later, it was quite late and one of my now adult siblings got up to go to bed and announced completely dead-pan. "Ok, we've had our fun, now nighty-night". It is amazing how hysterical random bedding from one's youth can be in retrospect..

Ok so anyway the errant article is now up at Modern Molly Mormon. We're talking about sleep today and how to get more of it.

It turns out it's rather important! Who knew?

(Well I did, but I'm a bit brilliant that way. )

Go check it out. No really, after all I have been through with this one you must. You must.

I'm reading: We've had our fun, now nighty-night...Tweet this!


jmt said...

LOL I can see how that'd be great humor for you all. It's those long standing, inside jokes that really make relationships gain a foundation. :)

Shona said...

Hilarious Sweaty ! I am choking on tea as I read this. Do you remember how many years we had those duvets before I noticed what they said on them, and you and Seth were like
"Duh !"....