Happy Birthday Aaron Sayer!

I have some catching up to do…
Aaron turned 40 on Good Friday…which is fitting for such a good man. I had asked friends and family to surprise him with funny anecdotes, or memories or just things they liked or admired about him and he woke up (after a very, very rare sleep-in) to a wall of awesome, funny, touching things to read about himself. I had wanted enough to make a 40 out of but even after it grew much larger than I had anticipated, we ran out of space and ended up decorating the rest of the room with them…he is a well loved man.
I also wrote 40 things I loved about him and posted them in appropriate spots around the house….
We had a big greasy breakfast complete with hot cross buns, lots of presents..and plenty of BACON.
and then Aaron went to indulge his inner man-child by watching GI Joe with the boys. (The girls declined to join in. Curious.) They enjoyed the gorgeous birthday weather…
That night Aaron and I went out for great dinner and our server surprised him with a delicious dessert complete with candle and no embarrassing singing.  We repeated that scenario next night with some friends..which was even more fun!)
(we found after some trial,and ego killing error, that taking the duo-selfie from above is the most flattering angle in case you were wondering..;)
It was a great day to celebrate a great guy. I am so glad he’s mine…

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The Sayer Family said...

You should receive the best wife award!

Anonymous said...

Well, seeing as I am too old for him I am glad he is yours too! Congrats Aaron B. You deserved all that you got.