10 reasons to exercise today

1. It is the first day of the month. You could have a perfect month of exercise, starting today! Cool. Imagine that nice red x on July 1st when you are done. Even if you don't exercise every day this month, you started the month off right and that is always a good feeling. (And if you are only reading this post tomorrow, same-same all in the first week eh? It totally counts).

2.You will feel oh so virtuous after. Whatever you indulge in post-workout, be it a snack, a bit of TV watching or net-surfing, or just going to bed, will feel well deserved and be that much more enjoyable. I also guarantee that if you are anxious about something, you will be less anxious about it when you have finished exercising.

3. You will feel more confident tomorrow. No matter what you are wearing.

4.Your children are watching you. "A parent's active lifestyle is a powerful stimulus for a child," says Edward Laskowski, M.D., a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation and co-director of the Sports Medicine Center at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. "Set a good example for your children by making physical activity a priority." You don't want your kid to be fit and healthy?

5.You will buy yourself more time on this planet. And if that seems like an abstract concept, go and check out Randy Pausch's website. Every extra minute is a priceless gift to him. You will also improve the quality of your time here, both now and later.
Apart from fewer broken hips, it's also one of the most effective things you can do toward lowering your risk of Alzheimers

6.Your skin will look better, it will also be better.
Clearer firmer skin and a firmer bottom. Need I say more?

7.You will be more likely to get your recommended water intake in. And the water will taste great.

8.You will sleep better. You will wake up feeling better.

9. You will have more energy to do what you want to do, and even some of the stuff you don't want to do will seem like less of a drag. You will also be more alert and patient. Basically exercising makes you more fun to be around, which will make the people around you happier and nicer too. The Exercise Ripple Effect-changing the world one squat at a time!

10. If you exercise today and you post a comment under this post about what you did, I will enter you in my random drawing to win a PRIZE. A prize I say, a super lovely prize! I will send you this prize even if you live in South Africa. South Africa I say! Or Iowa. Whichever.
Men in black suits with briefcases will come to my house on Friday evening to make sure that I am doing my random drawing in an ethical manner. And if you were the only person to comment, boy that gives you some good odds! Once the men in the black suits leave, I will let you know if you won the prize. So go! Get sweaty! Then come back and tell me about it. You don't even have to shower first, because I'm cool like that.
*I'm extending your chance to post until Friday, 10pm Est. The more you exercise, the better your odds will be. So exercise and report in every day! I'm super impressed by the comments so far :)

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Sara said...

I want photographic evidence of the men in black suits - ! I did, but of course, I skated. It was a nice long "active" skate too.

Samantha said...

Oooh oooh! I exercised today--I went running this morning. And not only that, but I did interval training! With my new watch that I ordered the same night I read your interval training blog entry! My watch beeps at me after 3 minutes, then after 1 minute, then after 3 minutes, then after 1 minute, etc. So, I run fast for the 1 minute, and recover for 3. So far that combination seems to work for me, but I can change the interval times if I want to. I enjoyed your list... hope I start seeing more evidence of an improving complexion soon! But I certainly see many of the other effects--better mood being the most obvious to me, but also feeling more virtuous, feeling more confident, and sleeping well. Thanks for another good post. And I'm not just saying that in an attempt to skew the results--I really mean it.

Anonymous said...

I took my dog and 4 kids for a BRISK walk in the heat today :) We sweated like pigs and it felt awesome. This is the first day back on my exercise "plan"

Anonymous said...

I walked REALLY REALLY fast for 80 minutes in the nearly just past dark this morning listening to Terry Gross NPR podcasts. I am such a freaking geek. ;) And I want to win the prize...since maybe it is a Itunes gift card and I can get some music rather than talk radio...heck, I might even take it up to a jog if I had the proper tunes.

Jules said...

I did my Slim in Six DVD! And I had some nice plain yogurt with some mexican vanilla and frozen berries when I was done.

Anonymous said...

I worked out with all three of my girls today. Everyone was feeling good when we finished!

Anonymous said...

I walked with a friend today, yes I did! She's a smart friend because she always suggests we meet for a walk rather than the usual cup of coffee get-together.

nyn said...

I did more training for the mini-triathlon I signed up for. (I am wondering truly about my sanity at this point) I did the bike and run to get used to the transition between the two. Talk about Weird feeling. But hey I exercised. YIPEE!!!Thanks for the extra encouragment.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, at 6am I rode my bike to my Total Body Conditioning class (aka bootcamp of death) to find the instructor not there. So I rode home.

In the afternoon I walked with Jacob whilst he rode his tricycle.

In the evening, I again rode my bike to my total body conditioning (aka bootcamp of death) class, did the class and rode back.

Today I have gone on the bike to class and back. I have a new found hatred for squat thrusts.

Janet said...

Yesterday I walked while the girls rode their scooters around the neighborhood.

This a.m. I got up early and took a walk and enjoyed the quiet. I plan to get a swim in before the day is over.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday (7/1), i walked 2.5 mi and did 45 min LB+back weights

Anonymous said...

6 miles!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was 30 min. on the treadmill because I was pressed for time...

Today was 45 min. on the treadmill and 20 min. of strenth training :o)

Anonymous said...

I swam breast storke laps for about 20 minutes yesterday to cool off in the heat of the afternoon!

Kallie said...

oh man, i'm too late for the drawing but i still wanted you to know that i'm TRYING. i went for a jogging stoller walk on the river trail with my neighbor -- 40 min there and 40 back -- with kids playing on the jungle gym in between (i liked your earlier comments on that -- it IS good for stretching, etc.) anyway -- you inspire me -- even from a distance. gracias.