Presenting..... the Promised Presents!!...

(BTW: if you're still walking in the valley of the shadow of wrapping go here for my fab and frugal solution to all that)

Firstly can I just say that it felt like Christmas came early on Tuesday? It really did. Opening up my comments was like opening up delightful little presents all day long.
Such lovely, lovely comments. So much fun. So many new friends and fab blogs I am discovering! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! I promise to visit you each in turn but it may take a few days. Thank you, thank you. Virtual flowers and fine chocolate to you all.

Also most excellent is that I now enjoy a whole bunch of new followers who I may or may not have shamelessly bought through common bribery. I do so dearly hope that you will stick with me even if you did not win anything. But of course you will. You're awesome like that.

Even so, I promise more giveaways in the future, (I just gave away the magical lamp of happiness, you should have been here, it was great!) and a generally good time.

Except for when I'm in a bad mood. Then I promise nothing. Life is full of uncertainties and we must all learn to embrace that. But keep me on your blog-roll, it couldn't hurt. Also! If you recommend my blog to 20 of your friends within the next 5 minutes and 20 seconds, within 75 years of doing so, I promise that you will get a really awesome surprise. I guarantee it.

Ok so nobody read all of the above because you were all scrolling frantically to find the name of the winners. That's ok. I get it.

Without further ado the winnah of the $50 Follower Appreciation GC is Lisa from This Mommy Works.
She's showing people how to make candy bars over there. You should hustle over. Hooray Lisa! Thanks for the following.

And now for the party door-prizes.

The beautiful Funky Vintage Kitchen earrings will go to Kelly Jo of Typing One handed. She said
"Congratulations SITstah! What a gem of a blog! You already have me cracking up and I've only read one post. I am so excited to blogstalk you. Off I go!"

(Thanks Kelly Jo. I'm so excited to have you stalk me!)

"The Optimism goes to Lacie of Creative Attempts who said: Okay I have to tell you that I read your post twice because it was so witty and fun especially the shoe part lol."

(I am flattered, thank you Lacie. I hope the second reading was even better then the first.)

"And some shea buttery socks will be wending their way out to Marilyn from A Lot of Loves who said: "Oy Domestic Dork pretty much stole what I was going to say. Just a few minutes too late I see. No matter that is some kind of awesome intro my dear."

(Well thank you kindly to you and the Domestic Dork too :)

Ok winners Email me and we shall tawk.


(And really my loves, you are ALL WINNERS in my book. You are good enough and smart enough and darnit, people like you. Especially me.)

Merry Christmas!!!

I'm reading: Presenting..... the Promised Presents!!...Tweet this!


Charlene said...

Oh yum - I love chocolate (even if it's virtual!) Merry Christmas to you as well!!

April Kennedy said...

Kirsty, I totally took your advice and under my tree looks so pretty with brown kraft paper packages all tied up with string! I love it.

Also, I will directly mail off the earrings to the keep me posted with an address!

Merry Christmas!

Lisa said...

I love the packages. Ironically I feel like singing..."Brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favorite things..." Oh, did I say that out loud?

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Congrats to your winners! Merry Christmas!

Jen Lynn said...

Dude, you're like a blog celeb or something. 260 comments? That's pretty sweet.

Merry Christmas Sayer bunch

alpinekleins said...

Just catching up . . .

I need a year of the body this year also - count me in :)

Merry Christmas - hope you have a magical day!


Michelle Mangen said...

Of course, I happened her through SITSahs! What a great site....I think I've spent well over an hour tonight (morning, technically) reading through different posts and sites.

I totally cracked up reading your "socks" portion of the featured post as well.

Happy Holidays to you!

Missy said...

Congrats winners!

I'm still going to follow you even though I didn't win anything. You are hilarious.

Moore Minutes said...

I remembered your idea post on this and I wrapped some gifts this way this year! Thank you! :)