Which is why the world is in such pristine shape of course..

Gracie: *dusting cinnamon sugar off the couch* Whoever keeps eating on the couch, should STOP!
Gabe(sagely) Benj was eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch off a plate there earlier
Benj (sheepishly) Well I didn't mean to mess!
Gabe: (defensively)And mommy always eats her cereal sitting on the couch!
Gracie:(indignantly) Yes but she does not spill!
Benj: (wistfully)What is it about grown ups that gives them the capability not to mess?!
Gabe: (wisely)It's the bigger BRAINS!

I'm reading: Which is why the world is in such pristine shape of course..Tweet this!


nyn said...

LOL!! what very wise children you are raising!!