This moment in history, four years ago...

I was diligently labouring to provide a grandson for my mother's birthday. (What do you get the woman who has everything..y'know?)

Anyway the little STINKER was Not. Having. It. I am sure I have nail marks on my uterus walls where he was hanging on in order to have his own birthday. I went into labour at about 2:30am on May 4th. And the Finny face made his glorious appearance at 3:33am on the 5th.

Here I am about half way into the adventure. I remember that my sense of humour was beginning to wane. I call this portrait Manatee in Waiting

Anyway I cannot believe that tonight is the last night I will be able to say, "I have a three year old" my LIFE. Noooooooo!!!! I love having a three year old. And a three year old is really still a baby. But just sounds so not babyish. This whole growing up thing disgusts me.

Ok well not really when you consider the alternative..but whose big idea was it to mark the years anyway? If there were no birthdays I could pretend he was three years old until he was at least13. GAAAAHSH!!! Save us the angst Roman dudes!! Y'know?!

Anyway if this was 4 years ago I would be watching American Idol in my living room on a birthing ball right now. And it would suck.

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Jen Lynn said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo - er - birthday Finny! I kept thinking he was turning 5. But you've still got this four-year-old stuff to deal with. Enjoy!