For those who wanted more details re: Seth's impending nuptials. This is what the big moment may have looked like. A friend of ours took this picture of Seth talking to her later that same day. Christina currently lives in Mesa but will be moving to South Africa after the wedding.

my goodness, what a striking couple they are going to! so was it an over-the-phone proposal? I mean...even if it was...who would say no to him?
Yes it was over the phone-he's in South Africa, she is in Mesa but he did it in a really romantic way. I would not have thought it was possible but it was very very sweet.
Very cute couple! I too am glad to see what she looks like. I wish them the very best!
So are these two in my future?
We will be there shortly you know.
I will give him a hug for you April, if that will console your tabloid mind. Seriously, if this couple will be in Jo-burg, we would enjoy connecting. Perhaps once we meet Sister Randall, we will know.
All the best to them and you
I'm sure you will Jim. No doubt you will have dinner with all the Randall's. I'm so jealous! You must be getting so excited!
Thanks Amz!
Oh my gosh! I am so happy for Seth. Please, please tell him Congrats for me. I hope they will send me an announcement. Tell me more- where did they meet...etc. So much catching up to do! They are a beautiful couple!!! So happy for them. Love your blog. Miss ya.
They are beautiful. This is such an adorable photo, what a great idea. Congrats to them!! and you :)
You are a good Big Sister. He found a pic. of you and him and your friend on the beach in Fish Hoek. Do you remember the day when the local rag took the pic. and put it in the paper with him howling??
Tell Jim and Reenie I will be happy to feed them, but they will have to take something back for you. Will they be on holiday in SA.?
Love you.
Marmie can you please scan in that newspaper pic and send it to me. That was hysterical and I would love to show my kids. I remember being so mortified that he would not shut up and smile.
Jim and Reenie are the missionary couple I told you about (in perpetual education div). I told them you would take good care of them.
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