Crystal world....

No secret that I am not a great fan of the lack of sunlight and the cold in Winter, but when it is this beautiful I can tolerate and even embrace it. I find ice storms a real miracle of nature. It is breathtaking (and not just because it is so cold), to see everything so perfectly encapsulated and frozen in time. No number of twinkly Christmas lights can compare to the delicate shimmering of a tree with each branch and twig draped in crystal. God really is the Master artist.

I went out to take pictures the other day in just a sweater with wet hair. After several minutes of snapping away, I said to my kids, "wow it is really not that cold out here" and they said, "actually it really is. For once you think it is not cold and we think it is mommy! It is because you are distracted by taking pictures of the beauty". Ah they know me well. Beauty really does counteract a multitude of evils. My pictures cannot begin to do it all justice but they try. As always, clicking on them will enhance the effect tremendously. (Really, do it, you won't regret it ;)

Festive frozen berries

Perfectly preserved parsley

Ice Princess, sitting pretty
Winter Wonderland

The Ice Avengers. Saving mankind one smashed icicle at a time

Ice Anenomes
Lacey crystals

Icy animals
Tearful hydrangeas

O Tannenbaum (the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow (or ice)
Our Ice House with drippy shutters

More pictures for those who find ice as fascinating as I do, here.

PS:Today is officially the first day of Winter and also the coldest day of the year. I had a frozen nostril hairs experience out on a parking lot tundra tonight, when I was literally lifted and blown into my car by the most freezing wind you could imagine.

I'm reading: Crystal world....Tweet this!


nyn said...

These pictures are beautiful. You are right, the beauty from the freezing rain almost makes this dreariness bearable. You're a great photographer.

Samantha said...

Lovely photos Kirsty! I particularly like the "ornament" that Gracie is holding and your tearful shutters. Ice storms are beautiful, if dangerous and damaging.

The Sayer Family said...

AMAZING PICTURES!!!!! I am so not excited for winter but the boys of the house are loving all the snow that we are getting. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Charis said...

The pictures are beautiful, but I cannot imagine how cold it must be. Do you ever really get used to such intense cold? I am glad you went out and braved the cold to capture the beauty :-)

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY beautiful...however I do spy TWO unauthorized hats in those photos...for shame. ;)

Sassy Sissy said...

Beuatiful pictures! Takes me back, a part of me misses that extreme weather!