Look What I Won alternatively titled: The World Must Be Off It's Axis...

not to be a whiner or anything but I NEVER. WIN. ANYTHING. So truly, I could have won a year supply of dog food for my non-existent dog, and I would have been ecstatic at my change in fortune. But check. it. out : In a giveaway of several amazing (but mostly baby oriented gifts-and I have no baby-sniff) in which about a gajillion people entered, I scored this coolness:

Yes, that is a NO WHINING pendant

Now could this be any more appropriate given:

1.The tagline of my blog?
2.The fact that I whine about 98% of the time? ( I'm the crybaby nobody likes-so I speak from authority.)

No it could not.

I would say that it is going to be such a good reminder and inspiration to me to stop whining about everything, but let's get real, it's just going to be a piece of irony I get to wear. And I LOVE irony. Added bonus is that my kids may read it and subliminally absorb its message, but in the end all that I really care about is that. I.WON. SOMETHING.

I am now off to start my new career as a professional sweepstake/giveaway entererer, I think this is a sign.

I'm reading: Look What I Won alternatively titled: The World Must Be Off It's Axis...Tweet this!


Janet said...

LOL....Congratulations on your win!

Kiy said...

Very awesome! I love it, and love that it fits you ... although *I* don't think you whine!

Cheers and smiles, Kiy

Denise said...

Congratulations!!! It's adorable, I hope it has the desired subliminal effect on the kids.

* said...

superb! Congrats for winning. I'm all for "No whining!"

Amz said...

You won! And look at what you won! That is such a rad accessory!

nyn said...

Hooray for winning things, even if it is ironic :). And no, you are not a whiner, just speaking the truth, since when is that whining, unless coming unsolicated from children. Love you!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! It was meant to be that you should win this necklace. It was inspired by my own children and keeps me laughing. Enjoy!

MrsM said...

Hee hee hee-congrats on your win! You deserve lots of good to come back to you for all the good you do...especially if it comes in the form of an ironic piece of jewelry!

jmt said...

A win is a win! It feels good, huh? :) And it's a cute pendant. Wear it proudly.