Quit yer whinin' and get out there already.....

I'm writing about how to find the motivation to Just DO It over at Molly Modern Mormon's today. Just call me Jillian.
And now, fittingly enough, I am off to the gym.

I'm reading: Quit yer whinin' and get out there already.....Tweet this!


American Homemaker said...

I am a total slacker and need to hit the gym big-time :(

MrsM said...

I deep cleaned the house today. Seriously-that totally counts when you're 8+ months pregnant! Besides, with all the up and down the stairs stuff (and the subsequent breaks I had to take) it took me like three hours!

I am an exercise fiend (on a modified level) =p

Nikki said...

Noooooo, it's coooolllddd and miiiisssttyyyy and I'll get siiiiick and I DON'T WAAANAAAA!!!