Not much other then Failure
rhymes with your name
But that doesn't fit
No, not a bit
But wait, let's try
Pretty as a Dahlia
Say hallelu-jiah!
It's the birthday of Thalia
Native South African
Now in Australia
Thalia is smart
Thalia is lovely
And even when she's in a mood
She tries hard to never be rude
Thalia served her mission on Temple Square
she loved it although the weather and dress code were a bear
And of course she was exceedingly successful
She did it all even when things got stressful
Thalia speaks French
Zut Alors!
And Afrikaans too
Goeie More!
Now Thalia has turned 25
Her life will really come alive
Yep,there's a buzz about Thalia
louder then a well populated hive
consumer of paper
and other paraphenalia
Why she eats note-books
Nobody knows. It's tres weird
But happily it has not ruined her looks
Not much other then Failure
rhymes with your name
But that doesn't fit
No, not a bit
But wait, let's try
Pretty as a Dahlia
Say hallelu-jiah!
It's the birthday of Thalia
Native South African
Now in Australia
Thalia is smart
Thalia is lovely
And even when she's in a mood
She tries hard to never be rude
Thalia served her mission on Temple Square
she loved it although the weather and dress code were a bear
And of course she was exceedingly successful
She did it all even when things got stressful
Thalia speaks French
Zut Alors!
And Afrikaans too
Goeie More!
Now Thalia has turned 25
Her life will really come alive
Yep,there's a buzz about Thalia
louder then a well populated hive
consumer of paper
and other paraphenalia
Why she eats note-books
Nobody knows. It's tres weird
But happily it has not ruined her looks
Lover of horses
and University courses
Perpetual student
Intelligent and prudent
Former ballet dancer
She's a leaper and a prancer
Maybe that is why her joints are shot
On the other hand maybe not
Perhaps it is arthritis
Because you are so old
But don't worry you still have
a heart and hair of gold
Thalia you are clever and funny
Witty and dry
Generally sunny
It is fun having you as a sis
And I really do miss
Sprinkling talcum powder on your head
When it was time for you to go to bed
Being Mr. Sandman for me was a thrill
Even though for you it was probably a pill
But you dealt with it well
And lived to tell
The tale
With narey a whine or a wail
I miss you too
So remember what I told you to do
Steal Shona's credit card
and book us some tickets
it's for the greater good
and that type of fraud is not wicked
It would be so much fun to live together
Enjoying the sunny weather
Being your unsolicited adviser
Because I am so much older and wiser
"When I was your age I had 2 kids, one on the way
So this is why you must listen to everything I say"
And to you this is what I say
On this your birthday:
Make this year great
Don't put on any weight
(not to say you can't afford an extra el-be or two)
It's just that weight rhymed well there, so what was I to do?
Have yourself lots of fun
Protect yourself well from all that sun
You are now a quarter of a century after all
From here on in, things will sag and fall
But hey, Happy Birthday! Hope you had a ball!
Lots and lots of love

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Perpetual student
Intelligent and prudent
Former ballet dancer
She's a leaper and a prancer
Maybe that is why her joints are shot
On the other hand maybe not
Perhaps it is arthritis
Because you are so old
But don't worry you still have
a heart and hair of gold
Thalia you are clever and funny
Witty and dry
Generally sunny
It is fun having you as a sis
And I really do miss
Sprinkling talcum powder on your head
When it was time for you to go to bed
Being Mr. Sandman for me was a thrill
Even though for you it was probably a pill
But you dealt with it well
And lived to tell
The tale
With narey a whine or a wail
I miss you too
So remember what I told you to do
Steal Shona's credit card
and book us some tickets
it's for the greater good
and that type of fraud is not wicked
It would be so much fun to live together
Enjoying the sunny weather
Being your unsolicited adviser
Because I am so much older and wiser
"When I was your age I had 2 kids, one on the way
So this is why you must listen to everything I say"
And to you this is what I say
On this your birthday:
Make this year great
Don't put on any weight
(not to say you can't afford an extra el-be or two)
It's just that weight rhymed well there, so what was I to do?
Have yourself lots of fun
Protect yourself well from all that sun
You are now a quarter of a century after all
From here on in, things will sag and fall
But hey, Happy Birthday! Hope you had a ball!
Lots and lots of love
Wow...that was a great poem. But is it something fancier than a poem? LOL I don't want to call it by the wrong name.....that would be a shame. :) Nice tribute!
Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Love it! You are an amazing poet!!!! xxxx
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