Such Fabulosity this Friday! Meet Momedy follower: Danielle of Horrible Sanity...

First and foremost Danielle, allow me to apologize for all my typos and errors in grammar and punctuation. I am sure they have been driving you mad all this time, for I see that you a freelance writer and not just the type who churns out stream of consciousness ramblings about mothering mishaps the way I do. But one who actually edits and proofreads and makes snazzy and grammatically legal the ramblings of other people like me.

Really people, it would appear that the girls knows her stuff. So...if you need some assistance of any type in the word department (resumes anyone?), Danielle could be your girl.

Danielle also writes a wonderful blog, Horrible Sanity. She writes thoughtful, thought-provoking posts and she throws in some of the best quotes. Check out: The Strength of a Mother-ah, so true, so true. She writes beautifully and uses delicious words like, mellifluous to describe her sweet little boy's voice. Delightful. Her beautiful boy is named Anthony and he is almost three years old. Isn't there anything cuter then a three year old boy? Not many things my friends.

Danielle also offers lots of inspiration for aspiring writers. If you are blocked or you ever have been, go and read some of her ideas. They will stir literary yearnings deep within your bosom. No really, she has great ideas.

Have I mentioned how much I love this feature? Probably, I tend to gush about when I love things, but let me say it again. A lot. That is how much. I love exploring the blogs of people who are kind enough to read mine. I have a theory that anyone who follows my blog is cool. It really stands to reason, non, mes cheries? In my Friday Follower explorations thus far, my theory has yet to be disproven. They are cool! I knew it!

Thanks for reading my blog Danielle, I am excited to get to know you better even though I am now even more insecure regarding my rudimentary grasp of grammar. Please email me:
kirsty dot sayer at gmail dot com so we can get a little something on its way to you.

I'm reading: Such Fabulosity this Friday! Meet Momedy follower: Danielle of Horrible Sanity...Tweet this!


PenPoint Editorial Services said...

Wow Kirsty! I'm speechless.

Thanks so much for featuring me on your blog and all your luscious link love that you gave me.

From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely appreciate it.

Please come and be a guest blogger on Horrible readers and I would LOVE to have you.

I love that my blog posts capture the attention of strangers. That means that I am doing my job as a writer, and that's the biggest compliment I could receive.

Again, thank you. I greatly appreciate it.