Thank you for your prayers. The Bunny. Yet lives.
Although nursing her back to health has been an ordeal of note.
Picture this if you will: Twice a day at noon and midnight as I..
- Don protective gear
- Take one pill
- Crush between two spoons
- Put powder in tiny cup
- Add small amount of baby food
- Thin with small amount of warm water
- Grab feeding syringe.
- Locate bunny
- Chase bunny round the table
- Chase bunny around the table in the other direction
- Repeat x8
- Finally corner not so brilliant bunny when she hides between her cage and the wall.
- Cradle like a baby
- Coo at baby
- Shriek as bunny twists out of grip and makes a break for it.

- Repeat "Locate Bunny" sequence
- Repeat "Wrap Bunny in a towel" sequence
- Repeat: "Locate Bunny sequence"

- All that remains in view is furry bunny face which appears to be chastened into compliance.
- Locate Bunny's Mouth in the mass of fur
- Coax bunny's clamped lips (YES bunnies have lips,) open wide enough for syringe find space beside front bunny teeth to place syringe.

- Watch as ark of khaki coloured babyfood/medication flies through air and liberally splatters your pants.
- Repeat: Bunny Location and Bunny Wrap Sequences
- Repeat: Loud lecture of bunny kicked up a notch or two
- Repeat : Location of mouth and syringe insertion sequences
- Watch as bunny stubbornly refuses to swallow and medication begins trickling out her hare lip. Tip bunny's head back slightly, and feel guilt at her displeasure when a drop or two enters her nose.
- Feel like crying because you just water-boarded your defenseless pet.
- Loudly lecture/comfort bunny
- Watch as bunny appreciatively gulps the yummy concoction down.
- Wonder if bunny stew tastes good.
- Lulled into sense of complacency by bunnies docile demeanour and enjoyment of her snack, prepare to give her the last dregs of the cup.
- Watch as ark of medication and baby food splatters onto other pant leg.
- Admit Defeat
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That is what I call love for your pet. I really enjoyed the picture sequence. Glad that the medication ordeal is over with and hope bunny is on the mend.
Oh my goodness, what a "lucky bunny" to have such a dedicated caregiver:) Someday I'm sure she will be so very grateful. She does look like the sweetest thing though . . .
That is wonderfully terrible. Wonderful because it was a hilarious post and yet terrible that you should have to go through all of that! I think we would have had bunny stew long before that point.
At least tonight is the last night!
Now THAT is motherly love. Are you sure you don't want a dog? Mine barks all the time, but at least you don't have to wrestle her when it's time to administer antibiotics...
Medicating cats is almost as fun as this. But bunny must be feeling better if it can run round the table some 64 times twice a day, no?
Oh Kirsty. Ohhhhhhhhhh Kirsty. If it were my rabbit, it would have died long ago...BY MY HANDS.
so what i want to know is, what kind of "medication" do you get after this exhausting ordeal? syringe-fed chocolate minus the syringe?
I would have had bunny stew after the first try - you're a much better pet owner than I ever will be!
Toooooo funny !! I laughed and laghed. Love love love the pursed bunny lips and the stern faced bunny lecture....
You are a good bunny mother...don't think I'd be up for that.
Oh this is too funny, last summer while my sister was living out of state her lizzard got sick. Since the lizzard was still living next door to me and not out of state with Sis guess who got to take care of it. You got it me, I hate lizzards by the way, I had to holf her over the sink and suringe gatorade and meds to her. As so started doing better I had to hand feed her peas. She lived and still stares at me though the glass when I visit now. THANKS FOR SHARING AND HAPPY NEW YEAR
Oh but you are such a good bunny mother!! Loved reading this, visiting from SITS :-)
Stopping by from SITS!
Great post and great job taking care of that bunny! Some people out there wouldn't have been so sweet!
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