Early-Bird Wannabe...

Today over at the Modern Molly's, I am talking about my recent attempts to greet the day earlier (and subsequent attempts to go to bed earlier). I know this is not an issue that is relevant to many of you with little ones, (you can only dream, right?) but we have always been a sleeping in kind of family so it's pretty earth-moving for me.

I'm reading: Early-Bird Wannabe...Tweet this!


jmt said...

You've always been a sleeping in family??? Wow. I am so envious. :( My kids only know 6am. Sometimes 5:30.....until they are at LEAST 2 1/2.

Carol said...

I am a morning person and would love to stay up past 9:30 ha ha.

VanBurenMom said...

I hear ya! My 17mth old is just getting into the whole sleep thru the night thing, which she thinks is overated! So I am up off and on thru the night with her and than my 5yr old gets up for the day at 6am! Some day I will get to sleep