I love Mormons!

This is the second time in a week I am linking to Segullah but given recent less friendly editorials toward them Mormons, I could not miss the opportunity to post the positive opinion of someone outside of our faith:

Formerly a television writer and romance novelist (though she doesn’t like to admit that), Mama calls parenting her three beautiful boys her most challenging job. You can take a peek at her life at The Elmo Wallpaper, which is featured on the New York Times blog roll where she has also been a guest columnist.

When my friend Michelle asked me to write a post for Segullah’s blog, I was a bit daunted by the task. I have read Segullah in the past, mostly Michelle’s work, and I know the caliber of writing on the blog. Even more, I cowered at the prospect of writing about Mormons for an audience of Mormons… as a decidedly un-Mormon agnostic. Yikes.....{continue reading}

I'm reading: I love Mormons!Tweet this!


jmt said...

I just went to read it. :) Loved it. Thanks for sharing!

Loralee and the gang... said...

Thanks for the link. I really enjoyed reading that post.

Denise said...

I LOVE Mormons too!

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