"This is why I will never be an adult"....

This woman has pretty much climbed into my brain and explained it all for the world to understand. (Especially the part about deciding to take a break for a day or two....)

If anyone I know wishes to understand my general ineptitude and incompetence at being an adult, please read this. If you wish to understand your general ineptitude and incompetence at being an adult, please read this. If you wish to laugh a lot, please read this. *Amy, you and your kind won't understand it at all, so go and do something responsible instead. You know you want to.

At first I found it oddly comforting (and I almost had an asthma attack from the laughing) but then I realized that she is childless and twenty-five, and I am thirty-four with two fish, a bunny, a dog, a husband and oh...those four children....

I'm reading: "This is why I will never be an adult"....Tweet this!


jmt said...

Okay, that was creepy. I always felt so "grown up" back in my early 20s if I actually DID some grocery shopping. So, really, I only felt that feeling approximately TWICE from 22-26. But still....

....I think I sometimes still get that "I'm all growed up" feeling when I'm at the store. Sad.

nyn said...

You are right, this made me laugh so hard. Funny how those things make me feel grown up and then I don't want to anymore. She really put it perfectly. I know my kids are dying to be grown ups, I will make them do the cleaning and the shopping and the banking. Then I can sit back and congratulate myself of being such an amazing parent teaching my kids to be responsible.