My bedroom needs help. Stat.

Y'all I love CSN stores. They rock-quality and service are impeccable, no lie. I'm not just saying that because they are offering me the opportunity to review another item soon. (They don't pay me but they do let me keep what I choose to review-sweet.) I really am impressed with their operation and am comfortable in recommending them on this here my baby blog. Also! They have impeccable timing and always pop up with just what I need just when I am itching for a change. Anyway, they invited me to check out what they have in the way of an end table this time, which I was only too happy to do since I am moving into one of what I am sure will be many nesting phases.

The issue at hand today: I hate my bedroom. (Lying in it 24/7 feeling like poo for 3 months will do that to you even if it did not already have many strikes against it-which it does).

It occurred to me recently that I have had patio furniture serving as end tables in my bedroom for like..6 years. It works I suppose..I never thought it looked like patio furniture before but now I am like....hello! This is so obviously patio furniture! Something must be done-immediately!!! Amy jokes that I am preparing for my "lying in" as the Victorian ladies once did. I feel that I am in fact moving away from my "lying in" and am getting closer to my "getting things done" phase. I want this bedroom looking gorgeous. Pronto! Did you read that Aaron? Good.

So anyway...end tables. I guess I am looking for a nightstand since we think of end tables as something for the living room and I might need one there too since I will have to be reclaiming that awesome $10 changing table soon for it's original purpose I suppose...hmmmm. But don't these work great for a bedroom?

And what about this one?

Check out that price. It's awesome actually. All that space to hide stuff behind closed doors. Excellent.

How about you? Do you love your bedroom? Do you need an end table? What do you think of a lying in? Should we go back to that custom? Personally, I am sick of lying in.

I'm reading: My bedroom needs help. Stat.Tweet this!


April Kennedy said...

First of all, I love the last nightstand. Nice clean lines plus plenty of storage.

And...I am sick of my whole house. I want everything changed just a bit, but am overwhelmed with what to do. First time ever I have thought...I REALLY need help from an interior decorator! Not just want help.

Bedroom is in need of an overhaul..I am sick of the dark furniture and leather headboard/footboard. My hardwood floors all need replacing and the whole supply has been in my garage for a year now. Husband is too busy working on everyone else house. I want new paint in my family room, but where do I stop. I want tongue and groove on my ceilings...I want my front bathroom re-vamped a little. The only room I am completely happy wtih is Kaia's and it still needs trim installed. Aren't you glad you asked!

My biggest problem is that I have made a few changes that I love, but now they don't go with the rest of the house.

Lucky you! I want to become a CSN Store's personal trier outer.

jmt said...

My bedroom is the one room that's never been decorated in the six years we've lived here. We painted the walls from the putrid pink it was before, but nothing at all since then. Not even window treatments. The kids' two rooms are done, but not ours. That's because all our money goes to daycare. Give me another five years and we can talk. So sad. Five years. I wish I could get paid what I do working a night shift job.

Now you have me hating my bedroom AND my job. LOL You're either really good or really bad.