Birthday Report: Gracie turns NINE

Last Saturday, 1-22-11 Gracie turned 9. The birthday girl rousted us all out of bed bright and early to enjoy her requested breakfast of “bacon and bagels”. It was delicious. If less than nutritious.
I love how leary she looks about this toasting…
Then it was time to tackle the pile ‘o presents. (Almost all clothes…a sign of her times eh?)
This reaction accompanied each package. She is not a low reactor. I love that about her (most of the time ;)
I wonder if she will always be this delighted to see an alarm clock?
After the B&B she had another B2=Bubble Bath. We have a TV in our bathroom and if I were her I would have spent the rest of the day there…..
But she is a girl on the move and she had an agenda for her perfect birthday. Which included lunch (chicken noodle soup in a bread bowl) at Panera with her little friend/surrogate little sister Aleah.  She is never so happy as when she is doting on Aleah, (who gave her the coolest present of 10 golden dollar coins-and scrapbooking supplies. What a sweet little”sister”).
Then they went to get manicures together.
Here she is showing off her sparkly purple age….she’s NINE. How can she be NINE?? She was just born. And then she was 3 and then she was 6. I don’t know how 9 snuck in there. I really don’t.
But look…..look what a big girl she is!
She requested Chinese for dinner and asked to tackle chop-sticks for the first time…
which she, being ever practical,  turned into skewers…works much more easily that way.
Seven-seventeen-the time of her birth, found us in a parking lot but we managed to have a quick cuddle and sing time anyway.  I can remember the first 7:17 cuddle like it was yesterday. Sniff.
After a fun evening of watching a movie (Ramona and Beezus ) and eating popcorn, she got ready for a sleepover with Aleah. Which unfortunately had to be cut-short due to major stomach woes courtesy of over-indulgence. (It’s not every day that you eat bacon and Chinese followed by red vines…..erk)
But when all was said and done she proclaimed it as her “best birthday EVER”. Now…. I gird up my loins for the “spa” birthday party this weekend.
It may well kill me.  
I love you my lovely Caroline Grace! Hope your 10th year on this earth is a very special and happy one!
Things Gracie loves at age 9:
Anything artistic: drawing, painting, crafting, creating, writing.
Reading-despite her busy birthday she finished the random book we bought her (The Dork Diaries) that same day.
Her pets
Clothing and pretty things
Surprising us with gifts and cards she has made or sweet little acts of service
Her friends and teacher at school
Knowing she is going to be a big sister again very soon. 

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Cyndy Bush said...

That looks like a perfect 9th birthday! My daughter turned 10 the day after. Time truly flies.

Anonymous said...

So glad we got to speak to our Gracie on the day in spite of telephone woes! Tell her I LOVE her nails. Hope this year is a happy and carefree one for her.
With all our love,
Her South African Family

Jessica said...

I can't believe she's 9, either...**shock**. Love how girly she is, and expressive, lol!!
Happy Birthday Gracie!! And I hope you survive the weekend, crazy pregnant lady, lol!