How to turn 80

My friend Jean Hilty turned 80 today. Which would be cool in and of itself. Turning 80. It's not everyone who manages to do that.
But then she turned 80 on 1-11-11. Nice. That shows panache.
But wait! She turned 80 during a snow-storm. Excellent.
And then...then she decided to go sledding during that snow-storm.
Yes she did.
Jean walks with canes. She has had several surgeries I believe. Of the hip and back variety. You know the type that makes it hard to move and stuff.
Did she decide that being 80 and it being all snowy and the fact that she has limited mobility meant that she should sit in her rocking chair and knit?
No. Suckers. No she did not. She decided to go sledding. And that is what she did.
Getting geared up with some help from the pit crew
The long and arduous trek across the snowy plains
long climb
The long and arduous climb up the snowy hill summit
A little push
And she’s off (sorry about the picture quality, it was snowing really hard)
Catching some air
Yeah! She made it!raisetheroof
“That was fun”
She gives it two thumbs up. And what’s more…she’s still standing
And that. Is how you turn 80. Baby.
Jean is hilarious, she is feisty, she dresses more hip than I do. She is the beloved matriarch of a beautiful family of amazing women. She is spiritual,thoughtful and kind and talented and she shares her talents with others. I want to be her when I am 80.
Happy birthday!
Linking up to Works for Me Wednesday at We are that family because taking life by the horns works for me.

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Jill said...

That is awesome! Happy Birthday to your amazing friend!

biguglymandoll said...

w00t! Go Ms. Jean - tell her we said Happy Birthday, and 80 is the new 60!

Jen Lynn said...

:) I was thinking about all those cool Hilty-Webb girlies the other day. Those are great people! Happy B-day to Jean.

jmt said...

What F.U.N. Seriously sweet. I want to be here, too!

misnomer said...

I aspire to be like her when I'm 80!

Melissa said...

Kudos to Jean! I can't even do that at 42 (seriously). What an amazing lady!


Kasey said...

Love her spirit. If I live to 80 I hope I ride a sled too. Happy Birthday!!

southerninspiration said...

loved this story....hope you don't mind, but i linked to it today on my blog!


Molly Green said...

Love, love, love this! It actually made me laugh. Thank you for sharing.

Sheree said...

She is beautiful! Hope I look like her at 70!!!
Happy Birthday Jean :))

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Jean!! I miss her so much. Give Jean a big hug from me :)

Kallie said...

ahh, jean hilty. she IS firey -- way to go. love the post.

Melanie said...

That is AWESOME! Oh my goodness! I am sitting here in my living room CRYING reading this post. This blesses my heart today. She reminds me of my grandmother, so spunky and full of life.

I hope I celebrate 80 like that!


Alli Webb said...

i heard about this when my mother repeated over the phone, "you went sledding today?" and the fbook posts i caught were lovely, but this here blog post should be recorded in the neverending book of the world as the most legendary of all feats!. i loved reading it. thanks for posting it!

grandma, what say we go volcano diving for ninety?