Bedroom and Belly Pics

A friend pointed out that once baby arrives the chances of me getting some bedroom pictures up are going to be diminished considerably. Like maybe to nil.  Since baby is a few days late now and we expect to see her very soon, whereupon I think she will be hogging camera/blog space I figured she was probably right about that.
Some other friends asked for belly pics and since when the baby comes out, I think they will be rather less interested in my belly, I figured I would have Aaron snap a couple of both this evening.  There’s our girly-snug as a bug at 41 weeks. She appears to be very satisfied with her digs.  And there’s me, on my freshened up bed. I am very satisfied with my like- new digs too.
And here’s the room. Before. I found this horrifying photo in an album from a long time ago but it shows the colour of the walls and the furniture. I have no idea what the purpose of taking a picture of a terribly messy cluttered room with pictures waiting to be hung on the wall, was. Maybe Aaron (you can see in the mirror that he was the perpetrator of this crime) was gathering blackmail photos…. who knows. But anyway…I was not in the mood to dig deeper to find something with everything looking decent and it only makes the transformation look that much more impressive ;)beforeroom
And here it is After:
Sadly since the sun was already down,(bummer)  the lighting is awful and the bedroom does not look nearly as bright, serene and lovely as it does in person, but it gives a feel for some of what what we accomplished during the Great Nesting of 2011. DSC_0270
This one shows the beadboard Aaron put up.  The big light patch on the wall is a reflection from the mirror.  And there is the awesome changing table we got for a song on Craigslist. I heart Craigslist!  It was painted that pretty colour when we got it. I will get matching baskets for it sometime but those work for now.  We were on a tight budget and I’m satisfied with what we have accomplished within it.
On the far side of the bed you can see the little co-sleeper in it’s proper place  It’s ready and waiting. Now we just need the baby. We had this sweet little wooden co-sleeper for our other kids. It was converted to a bench for many years but it back to being a little bed now. It is so convenient for nursing without having to get out of bed.
Ok here is what we did: Repainted the bed, got rid of the footboard of the bed (when we got our new mattress it didn’t work and we like it better without it.) Repainted the room, put up the beadboard, got rid of the side tables, got wall mounted lamps,  got new bedding.
And of course here are all the disclaimers.
Yes, I know the side tables are too small (from one extreme to the next after we got rid of the big black patio tables we were using) but they are temporary until the budget allows us to get slightly bigger, matching ones. They are helpful storage for now and they work. We are still waiting to find the perfect piece of art to hang over the bed so our wedding photos will have to suffice for now. I know they are far too dinky for the space but there ya go. They actually look quite a bit better in person.  Speaking of better in person. It all looks better in person. Promise.  The big mirror in shot looks so unattractive but it is really a lovely old antique and the streaks and tarnishes on the glass is charming,rather than looking yucky and dirty as it does in the photo.  Bedding is new from Ikea.  Did I mention the great love I have for Ikea now?  The lamps are also from Ikea and they are such a great space saver.
While we were snapping this evening,  Benj suggested an Awkward Family Photo (note that he made sure he could not be identified-smart kid :D ) and since this will probably be my last shot at the ultimate in Awkward Family Photos, that being The Pregnant Awkward Family Photo, I could not resist. I did not have a *gun , a hockey helmet or a tire on hand so we decided to go for an exaggerated Madonna with Child(ren) pose.  I just need to superimpose a halo...or something…. I think my favourite part is Gabe’s trying not to laugh expression…
*warning: some nudity in those links.
Still trying to think of an appropriate caption. Any takers?
I have a feeling that the next time I post it will be about a certain little new addition :) I gratefully accept all kind thoughts and prayers you can send our way in the next day or two. I am quite anxious and nervous and a little sad about not being pregnant anymore (weird I know) but getting more and more excited to meet our little lady-bug.
(Bathroom pics to come….I promise. Even if we do have a new little person in the shot)

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Janet said...

Ooh, how exciting. Your baby girl will be here soon. I'll be in prayer for you all. Love the Madonna-esque photo. The halo would be the perfect touch.;)

Love the makeover. Very pretty and serene. I think the side tables work well.

tarheelsuperman said...

Good luck, (cyber) friend! Though, I don't think you'll need it... Can't wait to see the "she's here!!" update!!!

leah said...

^ that was supposed to be me, not my husband. Haha!

Michelle said...

I think you could totally carry off this look:

Thanks for the best laughs to start my day!

Thinking happy, pain-free, peaceful thoughts xoxo

Samantha said...

Yes, you definitely share my small bedroom problem. But it looks great and I am quite jealous of your co-sleeper and changing table! You look great, too and I'll be thinking lots of positive thoughts for you in the coming hours/days. Best wishes.

Unknown said...

Your bedroom looks great! I hope your new little one arrives soon!

Jen Lynn said...

I'll gladly send thoughts and prayers that that little chica will hold on for 2 more days! Same birthday as her uncle AND the coolest friend her mamma has ever had! Perfect.

Or I'll just send thoughts and prayers that everything will go perfectly well.