Guess who is 21 months old?

This little sweetheart!

21 months

At the beginning of her 21st month I lamented that I feared that Ella had become a “hardcore brat”. A couple of days later I realized that poor Ella had just been sick for the most part of a month, had been off her schedule, sleep deprived and all manner of other things that make for less than optimal behaviour. Since that time she revealed her true 21 month colours which have been really quite wonderful. Ella at twenty months old was an absolute delight!

When Ella was 20 months old she helped decorate for Christmas


Helped me to mail the Christmas cards..


And read the Book of Mormon (in Xhosa) in her spare time..


When Ella was 20 months old she eyed the camera suspiciously whilst getting a picture with her best friend….


although she eyed said friend with great delight

When Ella was 20 months old she destroyed a really nice philosophy compact lip gloss in order to get her to stay any where within the vicinity of the camera when we went for family portraits.


When Ella was 20 months old she loved her “Daycie” (and her Daycie’s room and “stuff” )


She still had a thing for climbing on little chairs..


And big chairs…her favourite thing was to stand on one and then yell “mammy, mammy, mammy!” until I (or someone else) would come and grab her off the chair and tickle her. Then we would both laugh and laugh. Somehow it really never got old for either of us.



(Occasionally we would take too long to respond to her calls though..and that was not quite as funny )


She also liked to situate herself inside small boxes (or trays)




She liked to play duets with her siblings..



or just sit supportively near them as they practiced


When Ella was 20 months old she revisited Santa and Mrs. Claus


And decided that while she appreciated their candy canes, she was not altogether on board with the whole sitting on their knee thing…

She did appreciate the aesthetics of the Christmas tree they were next to though..


When Ella was 21 months old, she had a great check-up at the Dr. ( which included no shots but that did not fail to offend her very much). She left with a sucker and a self satisfied expression.


When Ellabeth was 20 months old she continued her love affair with the iPhone and learned more and more things that mommy didn’t know. Like how to get to her favourites folder on youtube. (I did not know there was a youtube app, nor a way to have a favourites folder, nor a put favourites in that folder)




She is still enchanted by the Buppies as you can tell…


When Ella was 20 months old, she LOVED to laugh. Her brothers were best at making her do that..


She was so much fun…


When Ella was 20 months old she enjoyed Christmas shopping…(so long as she had Finny in the cart with her) and baths (so long as she had at least 3 wash cloths and an assortment of empty bottles in the bath with her)


When she was 20 months old, Ella was forced to participate in the family handprint Christmas tree project. Which traumatized her greatly. Perhaps we could have chosen a different colour for the handprints…..


When Ella was 20 months old her thighs continued to be edible..


and we loved her enough to eat her up!

Some of the things she was saying at 20 months old: Mammy, daddy, boh-el (bottle), cheese, beard (bread), Shemmy! (Shemly), Beej! (what we all call Benj), Moooooowwwww, Mope (for No and Nope, respectively), mee-ee (mickey), mee-nee (Mini) Tee-dee, (TV), Daycie (Gracie) Dabe (Gabe), Fee (Finny), map (nap), Buppies, (Bubble Guppies) BOP (Stop!), Bye! See you! Poopie! Pee-pee! MIIIIINE! Baby! Pay! (Play) Buh-eee (Bunny) Puppy! Oof-oof (woof woof), DUYS! (Guys) DIS! (This!) Go! Boos! (Boots and/or coat or shoes) Boobies! (renewed interest in those lately which makes for awkward moments in public) He-wo? (whenever she hears a phone ring),omnomnomnom (when she wants something to eat). Hothothothot!!!! (For anything hot, also the name of oatmeal), Bah (Bath)

Read about Ella when she was other months old here…

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