Jen Lynn since we are you tubing..this is in honour of one year ago..

October 02, 2007

it was my theme song and I kept singing it to Q. I thought it would be good for his class. But he didn't know it. Because he's not cool like that. Anyway I heard it yesterday and it reminded me of that. Sadly I cannot post youtube's directly into my posts because blog host is not cool like that. So you will have to click:
(For those of you who do not know Jen Lynn, her husband Q is a shrink).
Aaron also frequently suggested that I get up and sing this song from the pulpit on Fast Sunday. I considered it quite seriously. I may still do that.
Posted at 02:29 PM | Permalink

I'm reading: Jen Lynn since we are you tubing..this is in honour of one year ago..Tweet this!