
November 10, 2007

Is there any other word in the English language to make you feel older or stodgier? Well I suppose there are, but this is definitely on the list of Old Words.
Tonight I was a chaperone at a dance for the youth at church. I did it a few months ago too and it was downright depressing. Not only was I having vivid flashbacks to all of the angst that came with church dances in my youth, I was now also old. It was an extremely awkward and weird experience, so I had low expectations for tonight.
But tonight was actually a marked improvement on that experience. I know the girls I lead better now and had a great time finding out about some of their dramas, it is definitely a different dynamic then when you are sitting in church and they tend to open up more when they have to yell things at you over the music. The music was good, my co-chaperone is a great conversationalist and fun guy,  the 2 bite brownies were plentiful, I got to dance a little and even hula hoop some (I have "mastering the hula hoop" on my list of things to do before I turn 32 now).  I got to experience the amused detachment I had seen the youth leaders display while I was 14 and  angsting about the fact that the guy I liked did not show up or seemed unmoved by my new outfit, or had no idea that I was alive. I discovered that The Village People and NSync are both alive and well in the hearts of the youth of today. Happily co-existing with Gwen and Avril. (Btw-she does not like your gf.)
Best part of all? Someone apologised to me for mistaking me for one of the youth. Never was there a more misplaced apology.  Bless that person. Bless them.
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