Eleven things to love about Caroline Grace…..

on this the auspicious occasion of her 11th birthday!
1. She is a kind and tender sister
first year of running out of fingers…finny was happy to lend a hand (haha..erhem)
sparkly nail polish! my inner 11 year old is stoked to share!
2. She is an affectionate and loving daughter.
new boots! hooray!
3. She is quick to forgive and to ask for forgiveness
Taylor Swift calendar! Thrilling stuff!Yup, she’s a tween.
4. She is creative and artistic
the much longed for little cello for her american girl dolls
5. She tries to be inclusive and avoid “mean girl” drama
chatting to family calling to wish her
6. She is spiritual and tries to choose the right always
her special birthday lunch in front of the TV. (having school cancelled on your birthday ROCKS).
7. She shows faith during difficult times
8. She makes generous, spontaneous and loving gestures for no special reason
Life is complete! Fake glasses. (Imagine. Some kids are so sad to get real ones!)
9. She is responsible and dependable
hair brush (with accessories). Look. You have to be one of five kids to know just how thrilling a brand new PURPLE hairbrush is. (they tend to go missing when they are..shall we say, more non descript)
10. She is intelligent and diligent in her school work and loves to read.
reading her fortune at dinner
11. She is brilliant at organizing, tidying up a space and making it inviting and cozy (what more could a mom want?!)
her birthday breakfast table. I make a special breakfast table for all my kids, but it is especially fun to do it for Gracie..(she maybe appreciates the details a tiny bit more Winking smile)
Happy birthday beautiful girl, we love you so much!

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Anonymous said...

It's a bit sad that we have to be limited to only 11! There are SO many things to love about her! I remember when I visited, she gave up her room, which I know was hard, and every evening I would find my bed turned down, like in a 5 star hotel, decorated with flowers, and sprayed with linen spray, and she was just a little girl. She is the most precious big or younger sister a sibling could wish for, and such a fun girl for her mom to share "chick" stuff with. Gracie, we love you so much. All your family in SA

DianeSS said...

She sounds like a very special daughter!