Winner Winner!….We have a winner!

First off, my birthday was fabulous dahlings. Simply fab-u-lous. No seriously, it didn’t suck-not even a little bit. In fact I ended up the day shedding more than a few happy tears as I read the various reports of what had been accomplished. It was beautiful.  I was so happy. Still am Thank you, thank you. So, so much.
SO: I’m going to be composing a mammoth post including as many RAOK as possible-to be posted tomorrow, whereupon I will randomly pick one to reward handsomely. Or at least moderately attractively. So PLEASE, please, please let me know before then if you performed a random act of kindness yesterday (or today!!) , so that I can include you in the drawing tomorrow.   If you have a picture to share, I would love that. I can’t wait to give someone something lovely because you made my day spectacular. Thank you again.
Ok without further ado the winner of the NatureBright Sun Touch Plus light and Ion therapy was: ( I let Gracie pick a number because she had surgery today and she deserved a little fun)  She came up with 33…(I did not ask why) and then Gabe and I carefully counted the comments until we got to 33.  We are highly efficient here at Momedy. A well oiled machine. Who needs
And now you are totally going to think this is rigged because the winner is the ever lovely, ever deserving Lucia who lives in this very dark and dreary town. I speak of  course of where I live. The very same.  Lucia is a saint of note. She really is, and she has endured some major challenges over the last couple of years with so much grace.  An inspiration to everyone who knows her, she is sunshine personified, and so I am delighted that she will be hooked up with some sunshine..on a cloudy day. My girl…talkin’ bout my girlllllllll. LUCIA!
In all sincerity I deeply and genuinely wish I could give one to each of you because there were so many other beloved and deserving folks in there. Let me just say that if you can in any way afford one (they really are quite affordable when you consider the benefits) and you struggle with S.A.D. PLEASE get one. Just do it.  Check with your insurance. Some of them may cover it.
Thanks again Nature Bright, and thanks to all of you who played Smile

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Lucia said...

What!? I won!!??? YAY!!

nyn said...

Congrats Lucia!! and yay Kirsty! I am so happy you had such a wonderful Birthday, no one deserved it more than you. love you my friend.

Anonymous said...

YAY! Lucia. Love your name. Named my Jap. car Lucia because I visited Italy with my mom as a child and the song "Santa Lucia" was very en vogue. Glad you can smile ALL the while, even in the gloomy days. Thanks Kirsty for arranging this for a fellow sufferer.

Lucia said...

Thanks! And I just realized the irony of winning a light when my name means "bringer of light" haha, it should be the other way around!