Happy birthday Ellababy!

We love you more than we can say! You make our lives lovelier in every way..
It is so hard to believe she’s only been in our lives for 2 years, it feels like we’ve known her forever.
I have an app which gives me a little summary of things I posted to facebook on this day in history.
I almost fainted when I read this one today. Posted on this day, three years ago:
Finny and I are babysitting. We both agree we want our OWN baby because she is so cute. The dog wants one too because she feeds him her animal crackers.
We could never have dreamed that one year, to the day later, our “wish”was granted.  It’s pretty cool the way God grants us the (sometimes unknown) wishes of our hearts even when our heads tell us that they would not be the best idea.
I’m so glad God is in charge of stuff.
Here’s what happened one year ago…
and two years ago..
Happy birthday magical little Ellabeth.xoxoxox

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Anonymous said...

Sweet, sweet Ella, how adorable she is! She always puts a smile on my face! She brings goodness and happiness to this world... of course, why wouldn't she with parents like her's ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, just love the just born pic, and the one with the question on her face. (just left of the ice-cream cone one).
See you have reintroduced the "robot" thing. Hate it because it is sometimes hard to make out the letters even if you ARE a human!