Unlike my dream last night...

wherein my husband left me because I overslept and failed to get the kids to school on time and then failed to pick them up at all, (I woke up hyperventilating), unlike that dream, it appears that the whole going back to school thing was indeed reality. It wasn't so bad. Aaron stayed home a little later and cooked eggs and bacon and pancakes and other such brain food, and we all walked to school together (Much to my kids' chagrine).

Now we are just trying to figure out if Finny and I will survive without them. Particularly since Finny does not go back to preschool until after Labour Day. (Save me!) He is already standing here instructing me to "get on your exercise clothes so we can go for a run now". Little task-master. (As time goes by he has moved onto making comments regarding the size of my rear to encourage me). Ok, so quickly:

Here's Big Ben. And holy what?? 5th Grade? I told him, "Ok put up 4 fingers so we know you're in 4th grade" (I am easily confused when it comes to anything involving numerals) and he said, "well how about 5 for 5th. And I'm all, well you aren't in 5th...) By jove! The boy is right! He is in 5th which means that next year will be his last year of elementary school. Which is frankly, ridiculous.

In this one you can see his snazzy new shoes. They're taking him places.

Goofy Gabe here

He's in 3rd grade. I knew that! (Well after Nathan told me the other day, because you can always count on your friends' husbands to know what grade your child is in. Um...does anyone else think there may be something seriously wrong with me?)

Here's gorgeous Gracie. And what in the world...this kid is a first grader! Yes! Apparently so! She, as you can tel,l was completely dreading the day.

We were both much delighted with the matching mani-pedi. And if you look very closely-her bows have apples on them to match her dress. Oh! we could just die dahlings!

And then! We found the matching back-pack. It was matchy-match apple nirvana here I tell you.

Here they all are, looking comfortingly little I think. Gabe has snazzy new shoes too.

Sweet kids..I'll miss them. Sniff.

And...we're off.

The anxious ok-we-are-here-mom-no-more-pictures-ok expressions. And there's the Finnster!

It's just you and me babe..how about it?

Proof on the way home that Summer is not even close to being over.

So whatever! We had a little lesson in pollination although this bee was really uncooperative about staying still to get his picture taken. Bees! Sheesh.

And now I suppose I off to exercise some of the vastness off of my derriere with my little trainer. It will be a good distraction from how very quiet it is here. (Sniff). Of course you know once they get home I will be pressing my temples and looking pained about how very loud it is here. I am praying they all have a happy day. I'm sure they will.

I'm reading: Unlike my dream last night...Tweet this!


Unknown said...

I just love your family! You all make life seem so.....sane! Love the photos, your kids are as gorgeous as ever, albeit older than I remember! LOL!

Jules said...

How do they all look so much bigger in just one month? Hope you and Finny had a great day!

Kallie said...

your kids are so pretty -- and you have such experience that i only hope i will gain -- i can't imagine little avery and max going off to school -- although we do live like a hop away from her elementary school which will be quite the disappointment to her because she watches the buses everyday and looooongs to ride one. (i think she thinks she gets to go to school next week -- she talks about packing her backpack all the time. how do you explain the concept of YEARS to a 2-yr-old?)

nyn said...

They all look so adorable and so grown up! I love Gracies apples and all the matching. It is a Mom's dream. I can so relate to being home with one. After five days here with me on her own Adelle is begging to go to school. Like Finny she doesn't start until after Labor Day. Poor thing!!

Amz said...

What a cute bunch of kids! I simply cannot believe school is back in session either! It has been the fastest summer on record, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

The kids look so beautifully sun-kissed and beautifully beautiful. A biased granny?? Never!!!!!