I feel

Today I got the mail and I was feeling very unlucky that the pile of bills in the box seemed to be much larger then the pile of money in my bank account and I was mentally rearranging my budget and realizing that I needed to add a couple of different categories to it. Gah! But then I noticed something in the pile, and it was not a bill! I know! So exciting.
What was it you may ask? It was the above handmade beautiful card with a sweet note from my dearly beloved Julie together with a gift card. Just cos it is Wednesday.

I am blessed to have such a friend.

I'm reading: I feelTweet this!


Stefani said...

Aweee...its great to receive unexpected blessings every once in awhile!!! Hope that made your day!!!!!
Enjoy the rest of it!!!!

Huge Hugs.

You've been awarded, my friend! Stop by my blog to find your award.

Jules said...

Oh, glad to brighten your day! Fun mail rocks.