Fabulous Friday Follower #1: Beloved Child Clothing

Good Friday Morning everyone! We've got a two-fer this morning. When strolling through my garden of fabulousness this morning, random. org led me to the blog of Beloved Child boutique

This is what they have to say about themselves:

"Is a high end Custom Handmade Clothing Boutique . Beloved_Child_Clothing loves to create Prissyfufu, Sassy Girly clothing.¤..¨) ♥¸.·..¸.·*..¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·.. (¸.·..¤~♥{*♥¤..¨♥♥♥*~"

(and look, they even made their description prissyfufu, sassy and girly). The little get-up above looks good enough to eat doesn't it? There's lots lots more frilly sassiness going on over there-cute, cute, cute making me wish for more little girls, so go check them out!

Thanks for being a reader and good luck with your business! You've got a ton of talent. Sometime I hope to learn how to hem my own clothes.

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