Fabulous Friday Follower #2: Cheat Day Cafe

Oh my golly golly gosh. It's all about the yumminess today m'peeps. My second fabulous follower today is Melody from Cheat Day Cafe. On principle I love this girl.

Here's her spiel: "I love to bake and cook, but it seems like I am always on a diet. To keep my sanity, I give myself one "cheat day " a week. On that day I have permission to splurge a little. I'd hate to do a cooking blog that was all healthy recipes, so I created Cheat Day Cafe so that I could share some of my non-diet recipes too. Cheat days make life more interesting! So here is a collection of healthy, real person, family recipes and a few "cheats" thrown in for fun."

True to her word, here's a recipe for butterfinger cupcakes {YUUUUUUUM} and just this very day she posted a recipe for something delectable AND virtuous "Low fat lemon and strawberry supreme". I have to tell you that it took a while to get this post up because I had to take a break to get some food in the middle of it all. I also could not resist her cute cute cute button. See if you can find it on my sidebar.

Thanks for reading Melody and keep up the good and yummy work!

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Melody said...

What a great surprise! You made my day!