Fabulous Friday Follower: Janet of Life in Focus and The Money Jar

So excited when the random number fairies allowed me to share lovely Janet with you this morning.

Janet is a dear friend, and a wonderful soul. Kind, thoughtful and generous as they come. A woman who did not leave me on the side of the road in a cloud of dust when I couldn't navigate us to my home from the highway passing by our town. This, after spending a couple of days driving around with me being unable to navigate us anywhere. Despite the the map-quest directions in my lap. In fact I may have been responsible for getting us actively lost a couple of times. I have blocked out the trauma. Ah yes, she is a patient lady.

Isn't this a cute collage of her and her husband? She took those photos herself I believe. So creative.

Janet is as you can tell a talented photographer and mom to two beautiful little girls. You can check them all out on her blog Life in Focus. You should. They are lovely.

And for the frugal amongst us, Janet has a blog called The Money Jar she is constantly posting news of sales, special offers, coupon codes, FREE STUFF and other tips to tide us over until the money tree in the backyard finally comes into bloom. (I am wondering if I've been over-watering? Do you guys fertilize?)

I have benefited from this blog on many an occasion and would like to publicly thank Janet for her public service.

Go and get to know Janet. She is a Southern Belle in all the best ways, gracious, stylish and sweet and you will be glad that you did.

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Janet said...

Oh, yay! How exciting! Thank you for your kind words. Of course, Life In Focus is sadly neglected this week as I have been busy painting and painting and painting but I shall return soon. Love you much my dear friend and I'm fairly sure that I was more responsible for our detours than you. xo

Moore Minutes said...

What a GOOD feature you did! She sounds like a lovely girl. <3 Her daughters are beautiful.

alpinekleins said...

You DO have so many fabulous followers, it's fun to visit their friendly sites. Thanks for the links - it's one of my favorites!


jmt said...

Photographers always amaze me. The way they can see something through a tiny hole and make it so beautiful on screen/film/paper/computer is something I've always admired.

FYI - The money tree in our home's yard was growing nice and tall and then an ice storm took it out. The year we moved in. Go figure.

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Aww, what a sweet post about Janet! I haven't been to her frugal site in a while, I should check it out. :)