Fabulous Friday Follower...

Thank you so much to my most recent followers. You are very kind. And particularly good looking if I may be so bold. I hope you will stick around because I get verklempt when somebody drops out and wonder all day what it was that I said. Then I tell myself it is just because they are getting organized and purging the ones they don't read. Then I wonder all day why they don't read. Blogging is not kind to the obsessive/neurotic, I tell ya.

Check it out I am so close to 300 followers...yet so far. So how about, when we finally reach 300 we'll have our next follower appreciation giveaway! Yay. I have to recognize SOME round number because as of today I have 530 published posts (before this one and I have never marked the day that I reached my 100th, 200th...etc etc.)

All that said today's featured follower courtesy random.org is

Kat from Measuring my life in l-o-v-e

She is about to have a baby girl! Oooooooh!!!!!!! I always found this stage of pregnancy to be the most magical (and maddening) it is such an incredibly exciting time. Full of suspense, excitement, incontinence....
Really it is awesome and I love to vicariously experience it through someone else. Good luck Kat!

She has an adorable little girl, Emma who is 2. My first turned two the day that my second was born, and it is just so much fun to watch your baby become a big sibling. They have been best friends ever since. A friend of mine once said, "your first baby gives you the sense of wonder, the second a sense of family. " Well said, although the sense of wonder just increases. And a sense of family, no matter how many people make up that family- is the best feeling in the world.

Thanks for following Kat. Can't wait to read about the big day. And if you need a doula..... :)

I'm reading: Fabulous Friday Follower...Tweet this!


Unknown said...

I didn't know you were (I mean are) a doula! How great! I have doula'd for a few people and had all three of my children with a doula. Best experiences ever!

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

Awww - what a nice surprise to see this in my reader this morning. Thank you and I look forward to seeing the relationship between my oldest and youngest grow in the coming years.

Charlene said...

It's so funny you mention the Follower thing. I'm really not a "follow me or I'll die" kinda gal but I DO find myself wondering when someone drops off. I lost two followers last week on one day and I couldn't help but think, "What did I do wrong?" Probably nothing but it's just a thought that naturally goes through ones head I think...

Margaret said...

I can't imagine having two kids! Hell I can't even see myself having one kid.

Sarah and the Gentlemen said...

Almost 300? You could be there in no time. I'm excited to have surpassed 20. Woohoo!

Amy DM said...

Hi. Still trying to get on your wall but my muscles are more whacked out than I thought.

A random question: We've been enjoying eating chakalaka out of a can(well, not literally out of the can--you know what I mean) but would really prefer to make it on our own. The recipes I found include baked beans but the one we buy doesn't have beans in it. Do you have a good recipe??

Gail said...

WOW! Almost 300 followers LEGEND!!
I lost a follower this week :) So did a few of my other bloggy friends. I think we entered "too rude" quarters. Oh well.

Have been reading and enjoying your posts - I should try to comment on more... but often have stolen a moment to just sit and read :)

Keep it up! (loved the spelling bee - flip, I'd be biting my nails in suspense!)
Blessings for you and your family for 2010!

julia said...

Good luck getting your next 3 followers. I am still waiting on my first 100. I'm only at 79 so far, but I get so excited when I get a new one!

Lisa said...

I get sad when I lose a follower, too. I wonder if I'm not witty and entertaining enough...If I've offended someone.

But, really why should it matter? But it does...

Charlene said...

Stopping by to let you know that I've got an award for you http://www.beamingbalance.com/2010/01/when-life-hands-you-lemons.html
