On chocolate dreams, true love, and being FED. UP.

Chocolate dreams do come true. They turned out.They were easy and oh my...they were good. There are certain things you can feel good about eating even when you know cellulite is in your future because of them. The batter alone was worth every pound.

And while we are on the chocolate theme...far be it for us to deprive any member of our family on Valentine's Day...

Align Center

Speaking of family, really....could this be any sweeter? True love, man. It's a beautiful. And we are indeed, in love.

Ah lovely, love...enough about all that.

There will be more delightful photos to come I am sure. There are birthday pictures, and slumber party pictures and all manner of delightful occasions captured in pictorial form, trapped on my computer waiting for me to have the gumption and focus to get them in viewable form.

But on another note entirely....

I have decided that hell for me looks like this: greyish white sky, greyish white ground (with dirty snow and ice piled up on the side of salty streets), concrete buildings in the same shade of the sky (preferably in the form of factories spewing smoke the same colour of all of the above), frigid air, salt on the cars, the sounds of children coughing........

How about you???

Which reminds me... 'Twas this day 3 years ago when I reached the end of another tether. I decided I was sick of being fat. So I decided not to be. Good decision, that.

Which leads me to....

The Wall. The Throwdown. Deadlines are a-looming. How are we doing m'peeps? Will February 15th 2010 be your "I'm .Done" day?

I'm reading: On chocolate dreams, true love, and being FED. UP.Tweet this!


Kendall@ Finesse Your Nest said...

Beautiful children...and dog!

I'm done with winter too. It's been a cold one this year. Ready for those glorious spring days...and warm enough weather for spray painting!

Lisa said...

I'm sick of being fat, but love my chocolate. Especially during that moody time of the month. What's a girl to do?

Peg said...

Is that really your dog? You got a dog?