Lovely day

Three reasons I am spoiled today...(this is going to be a bit Seriously So Blessed-esque....fair warning)

1. The sun is shining for like..the third day in a row. Yes it is! Check it out. I am probably going to go blind for this photo, staring at the sun through a lens after so many months of being cloistered in darkness.. so I hope you appreciate it.

2. I got flowers...sun flowers (seeing a theme?) and irises from my lovely husband.

3. I got this in the mail today. Which in and of itself would be lovely but what makes it extra lovely is the little story...

Yesterday I was drooling over this site and told my husband to come over and look for ideas about what he could give me. I pointed this out. And said, "aww I love this" . Like I'm sure many of you do, my kids and I say this to each other all the time..trying to outdo each other with distances. I particularly love when I say to Finny, "I love you to the moon and back" and he says, "Well I love you to KROGER and back!! And then TARGET and back" And then AUSTRALIA and back". And then he sits with a look of smug satisfaction on his face as if to say...." just try ..go ahead and outdo THAT". I love that he always leads with something local. Like that is his major trump card.

Anyway, I thought it would make a perfect Mother's Day gift and since my husband always appreciates hints in this direction (no really he does) I was doing him a big favour. I also mentioned I would like it with their nicknames on it.

And then today, it arrived. He had already ordered it, way back before Valentines day. Just as I'd wanted it. Nicknames and all. Right down to the font.

I'm also spoiled with followers! Thank you so much to all who have just joined us, (and for those of you who have been here all along, now now, naturally, I love you all just the need to feel insecure and start acting out-my love does not just grows) I really hope you enjoy your time here and stick around. I will select a pretty little thing prize winner tomorrow morning. And then another next Friday. I'm so excited to get to know you all.

I hope you are having a lovely day too. I am girding up my loins to clean up my bedroom so that I can rant at my children about the state of affairs in their rooms without being a colossal hypocrite.

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Jill said...

Could he be more perfect? Aaahhh...blah! xxoo...

Kirsty said...

I know, he is so totally nauseating. :)

Rachel Cotterill said...

Aww, that's so cute :D

jmt said...

Oh, I so want one of these necklaces! It's a necklace, right? I was busy drooling over it and not exactly paying attention to that exact detail. :)

I miss your sunshiny updates. I seriously need to get plugged back in at home so I can stay up on everything around my special blog circle. I hope all is well! Happy Sunday.

Mel_Cole said...

Hi there, came here from Friday follow. Yeah, I got late coz there are so many blogs to visit. lols.