Craving a new bathroom….

I’ve hated hated HAAAAAAAATED our guest bathroom since we moved in to this home. And I am constantly plotting to do something about it.  In fact I caught my husband recently just before he took a sledgehammer to the wall of the bathroom (presumably in order to begin some random renovation) so wearied he was from my whining.

One of these days…..

Anyway. I’ve long been obsessed with basins (or “sinks” as the Yanks would say) . I love them.

On our romantic getaway I became smitten with this style:


But when I was contacted by CSN stores recently to do a review,  and checked out their amazing selection for my ultimate bathroom sink, I was reminded how much I love pedestal sinks like this one (which is an unbearably tempting great deal right now). My friend Amy just moved into a new house with the most adorable round pedestal sink. I may or may not have kissed it.

pedestal sink

But then I also love the zen feel of these

zen sink

wading pool

I did not even know space savers like this existed and heavens knows space is an issue. Very nifty although something about it reminds me a bit of a urinal…y’know?

space saver sink

same idea…cool..I think?

wall mount

And what about you? Where do you stand when it comes to sinks/basins?

I'm reading: Craving a new bathroom….Tweet this!


Rachel said...

I love pedestal sinks and we have one in our new house, but it is not very kid friendly. No room for all of the things to sit.....on the plus side it stays very clean. I hate our sink in our bedroom'll have to come over and check it out sometime. Sinks are way cool!

jmt said...

I have never put any thought into basins/sinks but these that you featured are really cool. I tend to ignore things which I cannot afford (remodeling anything right now). Once I stop paying for daycare I am going to go CRAZY shopping for things for the house. Oh, and new underwear.

joan moon said...

The sinks in our new bathrooms are nice but definitely very 80ish. Because of my height I couldn't have anything sitting on top of the friend has that and I have to tippee toe to reach it. Next thing you know I'll be needing a step stool.