This is...

the sweetest, most touching, sad yet uplifting thing I have watched in a long time. Watch it and then go and write a love letter.

Danny & Annie from StoryCorps on Vimeo.

I love you Pooh, thank you for being my unfailing haven xo

I'm reading: This is...Tweet this!


Michelle said...

My heart is broken from this! How beautiful and how sad.

Megan Gery said...

Thanks for sharing this video. What a wonderful story.

Letherton said...


Moore Minutes said...

Kirsty! This made me CRY. :( What a beautiful treasure marriage is. This story was heartwarming. Thank you, thank you for sharing it! I'm sharing it on facebook too. lol...I'm still crying and I don't do that often. ;)

Also, I have a giveaway on my blog right now that I would love for you to enter if you're interested and haven't already done so! =)