What up

So hey, what’s up chickadee? Or chickadoo as the case may be?
Things here are chugging right along from command central-ie my bed. I am feeling considerably better of late…for the most part. I am still puking but not every day so that is indeed delightful. Although my energy levels are still well below par it is much easier to deal with an energy crisis than with constant and urgent nausea so all is well. I am so blessed to have family members who will bring me endless glasses of water with lemon slices in them. That is my primary craving at this time and they keep me well stocked.
We had a lovely Fall-ish weekend. It’s one of my “I love my town” weekends. Starting with the Purple House Garage Sale which I religiously frequent each year. I was really out of it this year and just sort of went through the foggy motions grabbing things here and there so I did not get at all giddy over my finds until I got home and came out of my fog later that day and discovered that I had scored some great deals. Including a precious Moses basket for Le bebe for just $10. Mostly a sentimental find because a wonderful friend of mine gave me one for Benj as a baby and we loved it so. I can’t wait to see my squishy baby napping in there in a few months… I will show you a couple of my other treasures in a later post.
Speaking of Le Bebe. We got to hear his/her heartbeat today. It was in the 160’s-energetic little sprite apparently. It is always so exciting to hear that whoosh whoosh whoosh. This whole baby thing? It is feeling more real and yet more surreal all the time. I asked Aaron yesterday, “are we really going to have a baby..and then a toddler..and then a preschooler in this house again? Like for real??” It seems harder to imagine now then it did before we had any kids for some reason. I think because I had closed that chapter of my life in my mind so firmly and spent so much time talking myself down from baby hunger. Or maybe because it has been so long. I don’t know. Either way, it’s totally weird.
Other highlights this week. We had the Arts Festival .it’s a 3 day party downtown and we are lucky enough to hear the live bands from our living room.
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There was also plenty of soccer (and rain which resulted in not many photos of said soccer). Benj also had a cross country meet. He is rocking that cross country. I can’t believe the speeds he can move at these days, compared to what he was running with me in early Summer. He.is.awesome.
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We came home wet and cold and celebrated with the first hot chocolate of the season…aahhhhh….. it felt very Autumnal and cozy.
I have also been very busy getting my new blog up and running for my cyber-fitness training experiment. Today was the first day and I am having so much fun already. It is inspiring to be around a great bunch of motivated women with fresh new goals, enthusiasm and resolve. It is giving me some much needed energy.
So…. what’s up with you?

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MrsM said...

I'm glad your littlest one is doing well, and that you're doing better-hopefully soon the morning sickness will all be behind you!

Hubby and I are getting ready to go back to school next Monday...getting the house sparkling (in preparation for 3 months of neglect), making frozen dinners, finishing projects, organizing kid's stuff, setting schedules...busybusybusy. But I have made it a point to get better about visiting my bloggy friends :)