Little Shop of Horrors

So for the last decade or so I have spent many traumatic hours in the dentist chair. I blame child bearing and rearing. I used to have great teeth and as soon as I started popping out babies like a Pez dispenser, things fell apart. Finny is 6 now and I can honestly say that I have had 3-4 (t0ps!!) good drama/intervention free dentist check-ups since Benj was an infant. So there ya go. It took me that long to recover. Thankfully the kids turned out to be worth it. I am an avid brusher, flosser and dentist visitor, and I figured I had a few good years to enjoy before old age started crumbling my teeth. My next check-up was not until December.

This morning while brushing my teeth enthusiastically, I felt a zing. I decided to inspect the tooth and oh my gosh. It looks like something out of Appalachia. There is very clearly something very wrong with it. Like part of it is missing. I glanced at the tooth in the same position on the opposite side and SAME THING. I am like..Deliverance Girl suddenly. Call me crazy but when you can see with your naked inexperienced eye, obvious decay on your tooth, it is a horrifying moment, particularly when one of those teeth is a baby tooth with no adult tooth to replace it. And they are visible when I smile. And also when they looked absolutely fine like 2 days ago. I'm not even kidding. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?? WHAT. IS. GOING. ON. HERE?

I made an immediate call to the dentist who is getting me in tomorrow. Bless his drill.

So what up? Is my baby in utero eating my teeth because I haven't been sending down enough calcium? Perhaps it is a combination of frequent puking (although I always rinsed and brushed right after!) and all the lemon in the water. No doubt that didn't help.

Anyway I am bummed. I will tell you why. I have had dental work (like root canals) without anesthesia on my lower jaw on more then one occasion because I have whacky wiring there and it is tough to get me numb. That's special. Still it's far from the worst calamity to befall a girl. I do recognize this.

Perspective...serenity now and all that...

And there I was worried about getting more stretch marks. Hahaha......ha....h...a

I'm reading: Little Shop of HorrorsTweet this!


Rachel said...

Never ever brush right after throwing up. The acidity in your mouth is very high after puking and you should wait for it to neutralize before brushing. Rinsing is okay, just do not brush! I am a dental hygienist on occasion so I kind of remember these things! Good luck tomorrow!

Charlene said...

Oh gosh - there is nothing worse than dental issues. You poor thing!

Kallie said...

i just went to the dentist this morning, cringing tensely with obvious goosebumps during the whole cleaning from my crazy sensitive teeth, and still hoping that my early stages of gingivitis is to blame on the hormones of. . . nursing. those babies...

MrsM said...

OH, I'm so sorry! I hate dental problems :( My wisdom teeth and all of my back molars are absolutely DESTROYED after violent vomiting with the kidlets, so I know that pregnancy is not tooth friendly. I hope they don't have to do anything to traumatizing.

Peg said...

Did you see Todd? Tam? What was the verdict?

jmt said...

Ugh. This makes me realize I need to go. I keep putting it off due to the cost, which is astronomical. UGH UGH UGH. Mine weren't great to begin with due to poor care on my part as a child, but with pregnancy and three nursing bouts....they're bad. I need to have a root canal done, I know that for certain. Probably have quite a few cavities just hanging out. Blah.