Thursday Thanks for…

1.John aka “Clarence” and Susun, who I met through this, my very humble blog, who continue to contact me at just the right moment, to say just the right thing and send the sweetest, loveliest homemade gifts-just because they are awesome. Some of my favourite most oft-worn jewelry was made by Susun. These are shiny, happy people who consistently remind me that it’s a wonderful life.
2.Impromptu violin/piano/cello/ digeridoo/random bead strumming concerts before bed. I am not musically talented but I was raised to love music and I feel so blessed that my children have been given opportunities to be musical and are self motivated to practice and bring music into our home. It’s weirdly wonderful that they are already so much more accomplished then I am.
3. My kind and amazing friend Kim who rose from her sick bed, made and then sent some amazing gourmet homemade chocolate popcorn to our doorstep just as the kids had gone to bed and we had settled in for Thursday TV. So much is about timing isn’t it? And also about chocolate.
4.The chance to volunteer to listen to reading in Finny’s class. It’s amazing to see the progress all these little people have made in just a few months with their sponge-like brains. I love listening to their sweet little voices and toothless lisps and getting to know them.
5.99c Gyros the best you’ve tasted-the size of a newborn. Dinner…done!
6.Kids who love to play outside even when it is cold and dark before 5pm. I will not express thanks for Daylights Savings at this time).
7.A husband who will uncomplainingly hold the trash bag and give me the emotional strength to purge masses of paperwork. I have issues with the purging of paperwork. But I purged masses of it tonight. Woot!
8.Zantac 75-it would be a long and exceedingly miserably sleepless 9 months without it. Let me tell you my friends. I’ve done it both ways.
9.Warm fuzzy blankets on the couch. There is just no point in having a couch without warm, fuzzy blankets. Especially grateful for an uninterrupted evening just hanging and laughing with my husband on said couch with said warm fuzzy blankets.
10. The fact that it will be Friday tomorrow and that this week has gone by much more quickly and pleasantly then the last. This weekend promises to be fun and I am happily anticipating my favourite weekend of the year coming up a week from…today! Hooray.

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Candra Georgi said...

i've been enjoying your blog for awhile, would you consider participating in my weekly thankful thursdays? i'm on week 16. you can link up every thursday for the week. you could still enter this post. just follow the "rules" ha ha and that way people on my site have access to your blog and vis versa.


jmt said...

I admire your children's musical talents, and secretly hope my children develop some as well. That, of course, would involve lessons that I need to have provided....hmm....that means money. As soon as that is shored up, I will have my musical prodigies on task as well! :)