Thanks be for…


our somewhat disheveled Autumn mantle

1. Koeksisters. We made some for a school presentation Gabe was doing on the countries of his heritage. I am also thankful for the fact that they are rather a mission to make and will not be around in our house for very long. They are bad, bad news, man.

2.The groovy, long, bendy, furry attachment to my Dyson which made it possible to clean out under our TV armoire thingie today. Holy fur-balls Batman!! Before I had hardwood floors I always thought they would be so fantastic because of the fact that no dust or hair could ever hide, the way they can in a carpet. I'm not sure sure about how wonderful that is anymore.

3. The fact that the electrical issue was a much less complicated and thus (hopefully) expensive fix then we were anticipating. Still waiting for the bill but feeling optimistic (and MOST grateful).

4.Happy wake ups from all my kids this morning. As my mom says, you can only be as happy as your most miserable child-totally true in my experience, and I am grateful beyond words that things seem to be getting easier for one of them in particular.

5.Weight Watchers Santa Fe Beans and Rice. One of the best things you can get from a microwave. Especially with Peach Chutney from South Africa. Which I would not be opposed to receiving for Christmas. I am just saying....

6.Baby kicks. I had a very quiet day or two from baby over the weekend and each reassuring little thud is gratefully received.

7.Frontline Plus tick and flea protection and the fact that 1800 Pet Meds sent me a doggy biscuit for Shemly to eat while I applied it. I have not seen fleas but I am hoping they are why she has been scratching like a monkey lately since we got behind on her dosing schedule, and I am hoping that they are now gone along with the monkey like scratching.

8.A beautiful sunny day today. I do love cozy, rainy days here and there but the sun is even more appreciated. It does wonders for my sense of purpose. Which reminds me, I need to get my SAD-lamp out and ready to roll.

9.A husband who takes such good care of so many things around here. Life would be a lot less fun without him.

10. The freedom in my schedule to do stuff for my kids on short notice in the middle of the day (and night). I feel extremely grateful for this.

11. These beautiful tulips that were brought to me by my husband last night after he went out in the cold and driving rain at 8pm to pick up groceries, and bunny food and... glue.


12. PBS TV, just like eating healthy, it just makes you feel better then the other type. Of course I am as much an addict of junk TV (and food) as the next girl, but I am certainly grateful that quality alternatives exist.

13. Beautiful sunsets. Crisp, cool Autumn evening air. When I came in from my walk tonight, Aaron gave me a hug and said, “your cheeks are so rosy and your hair smells like fresh air”. Now let’s be real, that’s not how it is in the Summer.

14. Kids who make me laugh on a daily basis.

15. People who are gracious and generous in expressing gratitude. I got the most beautiful letter of thanks from a wonderful friend today. It was so life-affirming, touching and uplifting. It is something I will always treasure and find inspiring. Write a “thank you” note today~!

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Thalia Randall said...

you made koeksusters?!!!? RESPECT!!!!

jmt said...

Your husband sounds like heaven. :) I won't come steal him because you deserve him, but I wouldn't mind a swap one day.

I mean, mine's OKAY...but flowers? And statements like "your hair smells like fresh air"? I could use a sense of calm like that. My husband is many things, but a sense of calm he lacks.