Well that explains a lot.....

Me: Guys why do I always have to be the one to walk the dog?
Gracie: Because that is your exercise, mommy.
Me: Well actually I exercise at the gym for an hour every day
Gracie: (Chuckling indulgently) Oh Mommy, going to the gym is not *real* exercise!

I'm reading: Well that explains a lot.....Tweet this!


garhales said...

Ok, this is probably my favorite posting ever on your blog! Hee hee--you go Gracie! I guess since it isn't "real" exercise-you should stop going. :)

Anonymous said...

Ha! Yep, that would explain it. Mind you, all of mine would have said "Yeah right, sure you do, Dad." LOL

Toad said...

Nice!! She probably doesn't think much of yoga either, then.

Kirsty said...

Clearly she has never experienced me as a trainer ;) If I were to stop going to the gym she would have a whole lot more mommy to love.

Toad I asked, and you are correct she does not consider yoga exercise. She concedes that tennis is, though.

Anonymous said...

You obviously make gym seem like WAY too much fun! Got to tell you. I have a friend in a million. Left my tackies at home, and so my work walking partner left hers off so that she could walk bare foot with me! She strode, I hobbled, but we did our little routine of 3 rounds. YAY!

Peg said...

Thank you Gracie! Now I have an excuse not to go to the gym each day, right? Oh...but does that mean I have to get a dog? I'm not sure which is worse.