Will-powerless Wednesday

Ater my Reese's mini peanut butter cup bender yesterday, I woke up today, glanced at my thighs and instructed my kids to hide the candy. Hide it all! As if their very lives depended on it.  After double-checking with me to see if I was truly serious about the implications of this crazy request, they scurried off eagerly to fulfill it, and I was satisfied that I would be protected from the call of the Reese.

I hurried off to the gym, got back, walked the kids to school and then the dog. It was noon and I had all of  1/2 a grapefruit on board to sustain me at this point. I arrived home fairly ravenous. As I walked into the kitchen I discovered 4 bags of candy, deviously stashed...on the counter. Thanks a million, kids.  You really saved me from myself . You guys are fortresses of fitness. Bastions of good nutrition. So I did what I had to do. I hid them from myself. That was super effective.  I did not even manage to hold out til 3pm. The Reese's siren call was loud and clear and plaintive and I answered it.
The upside is that the kids clearly aren't well-suited to a life of crime..  They would make terrible fugitives. Contraband would not go long undiscovered on their watch. I will be sure to point this out to them in case they had some plans for the future….
Grateful for today:
1.Another chance to lie in the tub and watch my tummy dance. This has always been one of my favourite pregnancy memories and I got to do it this evening. I can’t believe how strong and active this baby is already.
2.My kids having the opportunity for piano/cello/violin lessons. They are really starting to make some beautiful music…. even though we have still not tuned the piano our neighbour gave years ago after it sat on her porch for a year….
3.My sweet artist Gracie. She is always surprising me with  beautiful pictures…like this one. This is me, sitting outside with our new baby. She gave it to me about a week ago.  She had resigned herself to the baby being a boy and had assured me that she was just as happy with a boy. Aaron told me tonight that Gracie confided in him that she wrote herself a letter about a year ago.  It contained one wish for herself, and it was that she had a baby sister…sniff. I am so grateful her dream is coming true.
4. Beautiful leaves to crunch through on my walk today. They were fake-pretty. I wanted go gather them all up to frame.
5. Gabe who caved to my pleadings after the kids came home and hid the candy properly. After asking me repeatedly if this was really what I wanted, he provided me with the laffy taffy I was craving.  (He is not so good with tough love). It was his last one too. I told him he was my favourite.

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Johnny and Betsye Park said...

I love this post! This situation reminds me of several similar situations I was in during my pregnancy - Johnny is the best husband when it comes to me and eating, and was super indulgant (to a fault) when it came to my 2nd and 3rd trimester cravings. A package of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups was among many benders I experienced in the later months of pregnancy. Your kids are the sweetest kids ever. :)

MrsM said...

I think it's a good thing to be able to eat things when you're pregnant. That only happened with my last baby(the other two I was too sick right up to delivery) and I think it's really lovely to be able to eat anything while pregnant. It just feels so good...a couple Reeses won't hurt you any!

Anonymous said...

LOL, wonderfully said! Good luck with the candy call!