WFMW: Spelling list/Paperwork secret

‘Tis the season when all those spelling lists keep coming home. And if we want to keep the family legacy of good spelling going Winking smile it means I am occasionally going to have to help my second grader out with that.  The problem is that he keeps leaving the list at school, or we put it on the fridge and more often than not, it gets forgotten there.
Maybe everyone does this, but since I had not thought of it before, I thought it was a genius little solution. I just take a photo of the list with my phone, and then whenever we are out and have some down time, I can just whip it out and practice a few words.  This also cuts down on stress when it comes to locating the list at the critical moment.
Come to think of it, this would take care of mounds of paperwork that you feel you need to hang on to and need to refer to often. Soccer schedules, birthday party invitations, packing lists for camp. Wow. Serious breakthrough for me here, my friends.
I’m now preparing myself for everyone saying, “well DUH! I’ve been doing this for years”.
Linking up to Works for me Wednesday at We Are That Family
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Becky said...

No "duh" from me! I think this is an excellent idea, and one that I've never tried. Unfortunately, it's one that I may never try because my phone doesn't take pictures, but that's okay. Thanks for sharing! (And I could always use my regular little camera instead.)

dawn said...

It's a wonderful idea!

A tool I use is to enter my kids' list into on Monday for him to practice on his own the rest of the week.

Now that I write that down, I realize that maybe I should ask his teacher for the list on FRIDAY so he can put time in on the weekend.....

Carloline |Learning Toys Buzz said...

That is such a cool idea! I was eyeing up the feature on the new LeapPad Explorer where you can create custom spelling lists, but this is a nice simple way to keep those words at hand.

Janet said...

Such a great idea! One of those, "why didn't I think of that?" kind of things.

I'd love for you to come share it in my Saturday Spotlight link up:

Have a great weekend.