So much to say……it renders me speechless

As usual I am overwhelmed with too much to say, far too many photos (although I always maintain that there is no such thing) and an incredibly ridiculous amount to catch up on. Which of course makes me want to do nothing. Same old, same old. But!  I vowed I would post regularly, and it is Monday and although I have exercised and read my scriptures as I had hoped I would today, I caved and ate the Mississipi Mud pie brownies after dinner (as I hoped I would not). And so I am making up for it by blogging.  Saying something. Anything.
So I decided that I would just scroll through my photo album and whichever random recent photos I came upon would determine what there would be to say. Better than nothing eh?
This morning I woke up so refreshed. I actually had a typically or more than typically broken night. Ella has a cough, (her first illness since the dreaded RSV at 2 weeks old…so I’d say we have had a really good run considering she is one of 5).  This means I have been obsessively checking and nursing her every time she stirred slightly, to try to keep her as hydrated, healthy and comfortable as possible. But for some reason  I still hit the magical number of hours or depth of sleep or sleep cycle or something  and it was such a delicious feeling to wake up from a deep, deep sleep and feel rested. I had forgotten what that felt like.  Waking up today felt like this:
This is Ella waking up from her nap on the couch today. Ahhhhh……
What else? The end of the soccer season is in sight.  It’s been a hectic season but for once I haven’t been completely desperate for it to end.  Because we have four kids playing for five travel teams and a baby this season it has been impossible to attend every game, and so we’ve just done our best. This has been so liberating! I have really enjoyed watching the games I have attended. (Which I assure you have been plenty).  And the weather has been on our side. The kids have all played really, really well this season and have had a great time doing it.   Look at my little Finnster at his last game. He is such a star. And sooo much fun to watch. His intensity is incredibly endearing and wow, you can tell he grew up at the knee of two soccer obsessed big brothers.
It’s been fun but I’m looking forward to more laid back Saturday afternoons that look like this:
(The kids declared a family movie experience. It’s been too long)
I love the cozy feeling of hunkering down with the fam in front of a good Disney flick.
This is what I posted on facebook today. I feel bad that so many important snippets of my life end up there rather than here so …..cut and paste to the rescue

Two things: Ella got her first tooth on Friday without any whining *and* she is my first baby to say "Mama" rather than "Dada" as her first official word. ♥ Gracie is so thrilled over both events. She told me that Ella's tooth is "SO PERFECT!" and she can't stop telling everyone that Ella is saying "mama". She made me record her saying it about 5 times. She is such a sweet big sister.firsttoofie
We haven’t had a chance to decorate for Halloween yet so a resident spider took matters into it’s own….legs
 (WARNING: if you are easily freaked out by spiders, scroll quickly past the next three photos).
Aaron called me outside the other night to show me that a spider had spun a massive web across the whole front path. It was a pretty amazing and impressive feat.  I wish I knew how to use my camera better because the web was gorgeous.  There was also a full moon that night to add to the perfect spooky atmosphere. Pity it was a few weeks early.
Ugh. I made the mistake of zooming in on these photos. Spiders don’t usually creep me out but those legs are hairy up close and…eeeeeuw.
I just saw these little legs in my random photo scrolling. They are soooo much cuter aren’t they?
Speaking of legs. Cross country season is over for Benj and he rocked it!  I can hardly believe I once used to keep up with him. The other night he went on a jog with me, it was so nice of him because my pace must have seemed like going backwards. It reminded me of the good old days when we were training for the half marathon. That was such an awesome summer. He is really great at cross country and did better than ever this season.
Especially since he was often doing this on the same day. Ah to have the stamina of youth. Come to think of it, I did not have any stamina as a youth. So there ya go. Oh to have the stamina of Benj. How about that. He amazes me.
Ok that will do for tonight I think (or at least my computer battery has decided). I don’t think this is actually too bad a strategy for getting back into regular posting/catching up. How about you?

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Big Ugly Man Doll said...

The cuteness, it is almost too much to bear! Also, heck of a great spider pic, even if it did creep you out. Keep posting the games and the cuteness!