WFMW is hosting a fru
gal theme this week, since like many of you, I have a frugal bent, I tend to throw in my tips all the time, so I thought I'd gather them all up in one little encylopedic post for future frugal reference. Without
further ado:
Frugal food tip-Can't say much more then Aldi's, Aldi's, Aldi's. If you have one or the equivalent-SHOP THERE. Yes it's not fun and fancy like Kroger but it really is worth it. Also: add at least one vegetarian recipe into your menu each week, and maybe one breakfast for dinner. The kids will be happy about that.
Frugal beauty tips-Don't buy disposable washcloths (oil of Olay etc) just use cotton ones and wash them ( a fresh one every day). Nice and exfoliating.
Nice 'n Easy root touch-up can extend an expensive dye job or high-lights for quite some time without you looking sad and like a desperate housewife in the non-TV sense of the phrase. More of my el cheapo inexpensive beauty product endorsements here.
Frugal Decor- My decor shopping war-cry: "BGG!"-BigLots, Goodwill, Garage Sale. I don't think there is any decor item in my home (other then those from S.Africa or those I have been gifted,) which has not been procured from one of these 3 locations. And truly, the rush of finding them, and giving them a new home and leaving the $2 price tag on the bottom of them to lovingly admire and brag about is so addictive. Even if frugality was not a factor, it works for my aesthetic, I am never impressed by decorating that has clearly been bought as a matched set at one store. It may look finished but it is boring and soul-less to me. Look lookie! A blurry photo of my latest GW find-a cute trio of compotes. Sprout some wheat grass in there and voila-a lawn in your kitchen! Give it a haircut every now and then (as you can tell I just had-mmm it smells good!) How much fun is that? Tons of it, that's how much.
Frugal cleaning tip- One of these, extensively lauded here. Initial outlay quite expensive (although I'v
e seen some sales lately, and even one at Big Lots!) But! Never having to buy cleaning solution, another mop head or those swiffer thingies again-priceless. Easy on the planet too.
PLUS: Vinegar, Baking Soda and Lemon juice. The magical trio. Can't leave those guys out.
Frugal party gift-Fun, inexpensive, cute, consumable (clutter hating moms love that)
Frugal gift wrap- Here ya go.
So cute too. If the ribbon is neutral enough you can use it all year long for birthday gifts too.
Check it out: 5-5-09 5th birthday wrapping! Wow! It's not just for Christmas anymore.
I think that about covers it. Nothing is more en vogue then frugality right now m'peeps. Go forth and save! Once this recession mess is all behind us, I like to think we will all be more resourceful and simply thrill in frugality-just because we can.
The Fabulously Frugal Round-Up
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Fantastic post. You nailed it on Aldi. Shopping isn't meant to be fun just functional. The one thing I failed to mention in my post is avoid the special toy rack. No good can come of it.
Great tips!
I am all about the shopping the Goodwill and garage sales..definitely a money saver.
I don't have an Aldi but we do have a Winco. Perhaps their similar.
I like your idea of adding the lemon. I have done the vinegar and baking soda and the ice but the lemon would really add a nice smell!
The meal + salad looks yummy!
My neck hurts! I was nodding through each of your tips! Great minds think alike and all.
Yes, having a vegetarian night is extremely helpful! Or two... or three...
We don't have an Aldi where I am... Too bad because I hear SO much raving about it!
Amy Ellen from
Wish I had something like an Aldi here but unfortunately nothing even close.
I always re-use gift bags if they're in really good shape. I tend to ENSURE they stay in good shape. LOL Stuff the largest with gifts, and fold all the other bags up neatly.
I love this post and I love your suggestions. I am ever grateful for Aldi's and Big Lots and the cleaning ideas Priceless. Thanks for your awesome wfmw posts. I love them.
These are great tips! The craft paper gift wrapping is really fantastic. If you check craft stores ,Walmart and Target right after major holidays you can find the seasonal ribbons on clearance. There will never be a gift you aren't ready to wrap.
Newspaper can look great for giftwrapping as well if combined with a great ribbon.
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