Schooool's out for the SuMmEr!! The 2009 edition...

Last week was a continual whirlwind of field days, award ceremonies, teacher gift assembling, bringing home of piles of random school supplies and reams of paper for mommy to figure out where to stash....and finally the ever hilarious/emotional lip synch. Which just about undid me with the finale of "So long, Farewell"......iwillnotcryiwillnotcry.....too much.

It was delightfully busy, and now it is over. (Gracie, ever her sentimental mother's daughter wore the same dress on the last day as she had on the first. It still fits. Whew)

And now we can breathe. I thought that time may never come. Much like the warmth of Summer, which occasionally teases us but never stays for long. After saying goodbye to wonderful teachers..

We took the kids out for ice-cream. Because I have A Sense Of Occasion, I felt the need to open the car windows and blast, "What time is it? Summer-TIME!" from the beloved classic, Highschool Musical 2(!) on the way to Dairy Queen. Naturally, I also felt the need to sing along and do some joyful in-seat dancing. My children were oddly subdued. When I turned around, I saw Benjamin earnestly attempting to lie flat on the van floor, without unbuckling his seat-belt (safety first).

It was at that moment that I turned to my husband, my lip trembling and said, "oh honey, the time has come. Our children are embarrassed by the things we do! IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!" Oh, it was a banner day. Perfect end to a great school year.

Today is June 1st. Monday,the first of June. First official day of School holidays. Allllll sorts of new beginnings. I'm lovin' it.

The kids were outside, playing in the rain by 8:00am. So much for sleeping in. Understandable though, there was the inspection of a dead possum in the alley to be accomplished before breakfast.

Speaking of breakfast, Benj proudly told me at 9:15am. "I am doing so well with saving money mommy, I haven't eaten ONE THING ALL DAY" (this in response to our admonition that food should not be consumed merely for entertainment purposes, nor should food items be disposed of with one bite taken out of them. I'd been lamenting to Aaron that my food expenditures in Summer double because of these issues, and we briefly explained to the children that food=money. ) Apparently Benj got the message. Poor sweet, burdened Benj. Way to take one for the team kid. That must have been one long, hungry hour for him.

Summer goals were made last night. We broke them into Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Temporal. A couple of Gabe's goals include: "grow corn in the garden" "Do a Zidane 360 and duke Benj with my mad skillz", "Read scriptures every morning."
Benj's: "Run a mile every day", "Turn off lights" and other impressive endeavors...
Gracie's and Finny's aren't easily accessible from where I am sitting, and heaven forbid I stand up and interrupt the molding of the couch to my posterior, but rest assured that they were equally lofty, and we got off to great start today.

Road-kill inspection-check
Library reading program sign up-check
Taking out of ridiculous number of library books, later to result in frantic searches and hefty fees-check
Cookie baking (traumatic)-check
Cookie eating-check,check,check,check,check,check,check,check,check,check..
Routine delivery of empty"if you don't clean your room" threats-check, check,check.
Hanging out and doing nothing-check

Now all we need are some consistent temps above 70 for it to truly feel like Summer. It would be nice to part with my jeans and long sleeves for a few days before Fall rolls around.

Is School Out in your neck of the woods? Does it feel like Summer? What are your plans?

I'm reading: Schooool's out for the SuMmEr!! The 2009 edition...Tweet this!


Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

We have seven days left - which include a field trip, field day, a performance. And then my hubby takes off for High Adventure with the YM. I can't wait for summer to start - lots of plans, and lots of doing nothing!

Janet said...

You are off to a great start! I love your sentimental Gracie wearing the same dress. Such sweetness! We are in the midst of the last week of school frenzy. I'm so ready for summer vacation! Yay! Have a fab summer.

jmt said...

You've given me a great idea to do goals with my 4 year old. I'm not sure that the 1 year old will handle them very well. He can't seem to stop from yelling whenever he feels he's been injured. And by injured I mean a cookie shoved in his mouth in 1 minute intervals.

Summer does feel like its arrived...80+ degrees for the past few days. I'm loving it. :) Enjoy!

Brittany said...

Wow. I had Mr. McClary. Weirrrrrddddd