Traditiiooooooooons!! Traditions! Traditions!

Finny brings the zebra, hippo, giraffe, penguin (and don't forget the lizard) to see the baby Jesus.

So since I am compelled to photograph them copiously, here are a couple of our other December traditions. This one is just a few years old. I stole the idea from someone and we love it. I wrap up a pile of Christmas books (some are library books, some are ours...) and every night someone gets to choose one.

Then we read by the light of the tree ("the light of the tree" line just reminded me of this delightful poem which reminds me of my sister Shona. Why is this? Hmm..

Back to the book! (that one's for you, Miriam, and Amy, and Jen Lynn and any of my old book club pals. I'd explain this inside joke but you'd think it lame. So I wont.)

Ok so ADD aside and moving along...

Then we read and we drink hot chocolate with whipped cream and/or peeps in it. (The peeps must be a snowman or a tree or they are disqualified from participation.)

Then we sing a Christmas carol, and read some scriptures.

And then we make everyone go to bed. Because that is enough togetherness. (Except for the kid who gets to stay behind for their snuggle time. They smile smugly while the others go to bed.)

I love December.

PS: December 2nd advent note: From Dad to Gabe: I love Gabe. His immense capacity for kindness is inspiring. I am so proud to be his dad. Love you, Gaber.
December 3rd advent note: From Benj to Gracie: I like Gracie because she likes my art and shows me how to do things with art and lets me use her things.

PPS: Welcome to my fabu new followers: The lovely Shannon Marie, and my old (but young) friends Michelle. P , Amy. E and Sara (who skates). Hey there Jill. H and to whomever follows from Shooting Stars Mag. Yay, yay and hooray!

I'm reading: Traditiiooooooooons!! Traditions! Traditions!Tweet this!


Moore Minutes said...

I had so much fun reading this post! Traditions are a favorite of mine to celebrate. Children's Christmas books are so adorable too! LOVE this tradition that you do.

julia said...

You are creating such wonderful memories for your lucky children.

Jill said...

will you adopt me?

Caroline C. Bingham said...

I love the wrapped book idea! I think I might steal that.

Momtothreebabies said...

We do the christmas book, hot cocoa and scriptures too-- but i NEVER thought to wrap the books! I love it!!!! Thanks so much!!
Your kids are adorable!
ps- i love the peeps idea in the hot cocoa too, we are boring and just use spray whipped cream! ;)

Wonder Woman said...

Just stopping by with the tour! We started the book thing this year and I love it, too. I think we might add your christmas carol and scripture verse. That's a great idea.

Cute family!

Cynthia said...

I'm on the tour bus too! I love your traditions- lots of fun ideas there!

jmt said...

Love the shot of you drinking yours! Great job capturing the holidays with all these photos.

Missy said...

I just heard about the gift wrapping of different books. I definitely want to try that next year.

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

What a fun tradition! You could do that with Christmas videos too! I really like this. You can have so much fun with kids. The hot chocolate is a nice touch too.

I'm going to share about this idea on my Friday "Things I Learned This Week" post at with a link back here. I think it's a great idea!

Rachael-TooTutuCuteMommy said...

Very cute idea with the nightly books! I love traditions and I may just need to 'borrow' this one!

Stopped by from SITS.
Merry Christmas!

Elizabeth D. said...

I absolutely love this tradition, I am so it next year. You rock!

Brandi said...

I love this idea of wrapping up books! It's a seriously wonderful thing: the kids get to open something and your family then has something to do together.

Cheryl said...

I love the matching PJs! :) I literally just moved in with the boyfriend um, 2 days ago, so we don't have too many traditions yet, but I'm definitely excited to start making some! I also definitely want some hot cocoa, stat. :)

MamaOtwins+1 said...

I love those traditions - especially the advent calendar! I'm still it next year!

Working Mommy said...

Those are such great pictures! While I am not a peeps fan, I am a hot chocolate fan...I hope you and your fam can forgive me!


Miranda said...

I love the idea of leaving advent notes!

Kristin @ Meanbean said...

awesome, I love hearing about everyone's traditions :)