Friday Follower Appreciation Winner AND Friday Follow

Today's Fabulous Follower is.....Brandy Ellen of Happily Blended. Go check out her very fun and popular site. Brandy, email me before next Friday with your mailing address and my appreciation will be on its way! Thank you so much for reading!

Also, this will be week two of the super cool Friday Follow blog-hop sponsored by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! Hope you will join in! I have found several new blogs this way. Thank you to those who found me and are following!

MckLinky Blog Hop

I'm reading: Friday Follower Appreciation Winner AND Friday FollowTweet this!


Coupon Teacher said...

I am a new Friday Follower!

Lisa said...

Popping in to say Hi!!

New from Friday Follow:)

Mandi Miller said...

Yay for Friday Follow! Thanks for following my blog! I'm following right back!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! That is so exciting!!! I am going to have to email you now!!!