Bloggy Bidness

Lovely, lovely Peeps! I would like to draw your attention to the following things, in case you are very inattentive or by some absurd chance you have a life and have missed scouring over my blog with a fine-toothed comb the last couple of days.

1. THE INFAMOUS MOMEDY THROWDOWN WALL now has its very very own website.
PLEASE POST YOUR TIMES BELOW IT. I am losing some of them posted in various locales and I must just accept that I am about as organized as a rabid baboon and need all the help I can get. If you'd oblige me I'd be ever so grateful.

All motivation and such will continue through this, the original site for now but it makes it much easier for me to update your numbers and to fit the names of the athletes in hat bigger space, and for you to all read and fawn over your accomplishments and plot jealously against those who are edging in on them. Last night I attempted to make some videos demonstrating proper form but I decided I could not handle watching myself so you probably would not enjoy doing so either. I will work on my self esteem issues and reassess when I am not feeling paranoid and/or carrying 20 extra lbs of water weight (which incidentally was going on in the last video posted too. It seems to be my movie-making curse-that or I get the urge to make movies at only certain times of the month. No I am not pregnant in case you were wondering but too polite to ask. Also, the muu-muu is about to find a new home at Goodwill. )

2. You did see our Magnificent Movie/blurry youtube upload right?? If not, scandalous! Sacrilege dahling! Remedy immediately.


3.Hits are up yet comments are down. Why? Whyyyyyyyyy! Talk to me! I want to talk to you!

4.Don't miss the Friday Follower post below. Yay followers! Thanks for the following! That's so nice of you. Really xoxo

and finally.....

5. Remember what y'all amazings did for my birthday last year? If not, look here and here. Dude, that rocked! I loved it. So this year I will donate $1 to Haiti (through LDS Humanitarian Services) for everyone who posts tomorrow (or sometime this weekend) about what good they have done in the world on Feb 6th. It needs to be a little out of what you would do ordinarily (because I'm certain you do good in the world every day). February 6th is no longer a cursed day. Hooray.

I'm reading: Bloggy BidnessTweet this!


Megan Gery said...

I have to confess. I've been lurking. I just haven't had the time to leave comments. (But of course, I've had plenty of time to read your fabulously funny blog. Go figure.) I'll try to be better. :))

Sabreena said...

I, like Megan, have been lurking and commenting less the past few weeks on all of my blog faves. I was barley inspired to write my newest post. I will get better, in the meantime maybe you would like to stop by my blog and return el favor. See you soon, great post.

cookinglady said...

Great Blog following you From Friday Follow

Jen Lynn said...

I commented by posting your awesome video on my blog. Isn't that enough, woman??? ;0) Also I'm the #1 jumproper? Sweet.

InspiredDreamer said...

Hey there! I have been that horribly "busy" person who hasn't even had a chance to look at a blog besides her own lately, which is so very sad. So I'm swinging through on my lunch break, trying to catch up. Love the Donation thing. The only thing I'll be doing for the world tomorrow though is cleaning it up--at least the portion of it that resides in my apartment. of course that's doing a very good thing for my cat, who is likely getting very sick of the fact that I keep piling things on "his" chair. :)

Have an Extraordinary Day!

Tara said...

Following your From Follow Friday! Would love to have you follow me too!

Also, come by and join our Follow Me Friday to get even more followers.

Have a wonderful weekend! Tara @ Trendy Treehouse

Lisa said...

I've actually just been on blogcation....mentally...been sick and haven't been reading, but I trying to catch up.

Unknown said...

Howdy!! Returning the favor! I will admit to not watching any of your videos and I am not so sure what the throwdown is, but I will know... oh yes..

your newest follower

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Just watched the video. Love it! :)

Cluttered Brain said...

Comments are down for me.
But i muct admit I have been lurking more and NTO commenting lately.
Maybe its my fault?
And I forgot followfriday DARNIT!
Next Friday I will remember!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

I know exactly what you mean.
My comments are pretty low considering the visits.

Following you from Friday Follow